
Online job applicatins question...?

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Since all fields of the application are not always required, does it make a difference to the hiring manager if they are filled out?




  1. If a section does not apply to you, either leave it blank or put N/A.  I personally prefer N/A because it shows me that you read the question rather than simply ignoring it.

    If the drop down menu does not have the selection you need, chose one that is the next most likely way you could have heard about the job.  This is used to determine the effectiveness of advertising for employment, and will not effect whether you are hired or not.  You may even want to mention it to the person who interviews you, that may score a few points.

    Good Luck!

  2. Fill out the application as fully as possible.  As far as part two of your question: leave it unanswered, or choose the most likely answer if it is required.

  3. Well since its an online application you might not be able to submit it until you fill ever field. For the question about where you heard about the job just choose the closest answer. For example if you heard about it in a magazine and one of the choices is newspaper, choose that its close enough, or if you heard about it from your family but one of the options is friends/word of mouth choose that answer.

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