
Online perv... please read these questions and tell me I'm not the only one who sees it?

by Guest63037  |  earlier

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These are the questions he is asking about the same "10 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL" (he has multiple profiles and created a new one today:

"Everytime I take Kelsey (my friends daughter) who's 10 swimming she always a) wants me to give her piggy backs b) pick her up and throw her in the water c) she jumps from the ledge and I catch her in the water d) she trys to sit on my lap. Also she calls me "daddy". I don't mind doing the first 3 things, but I when she sits on my lap I tell her to stop. Why is she doing this?"

"Kelsey (my friend's daughter who's 10) asked me to be her valentine for valentines day. What should I say to her?"

"Kelsey (my friend's daughter, who's 10) told me something really bizzarre. She said "If my mom ever died, you would be the first person I would tell, even before my dad". What does this mean"

This was a site I found for reporting him... please help with this:




  1. I looked at what this guy was writing and he is thinking way too much about every move that this 10 year old is doing. I would report him before he tried anything with her. He seems to have an unhealthy view of this girl.  

  2. It's really hard to say, but from what I have read, it sounds like this person is really just looking for answers to his questions. There is no clear indication that this person is a pervert, so you can't really say that he looks to take advantage of this child.

    Kid, you have to be EXTREMELY careful about who you accuse of something like this. This type of allegation is a very serious matter. Even if your assumptions are found to be false and he is innocent, you could very well ruin this person's life, because word of mouth spreads like wildfire and rumors can start popping up. In this day and age, accusations of any type of illegal act against a child are taken very seriously, even if the person making the accusations doesn't mean it.

    You should not report a person simply because you only THINK they are doing something. The burden of proof in on you. You have to provide solid evidence that this person is guilty of any type of wrongdoing. But from what I am seeing in his questions, there is no blatant or subliminal indication that this person is doing anything wrong.

    I'm not going what to tell you to do here, but all I ask is that you really really think about it before you make a decision and consider the consequences of your actions. Realize that this is a person's life we are talking about. Unless you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this person means to take advantage of this child, it would be in the best interest of both of you to not report him.

    Remember: innocent UNTIL proven guilty, not the other way around.

  3. Hmm. It's a little odd. I don't know if he's a 'perv' but he is definately strange.

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