
Online poker bots cheats help?

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I play in I'v been told there is "poker bots" that plays the game for you. even to the point where a system will show the flop faster befor every one else does.

i know there are cheats out there as you can tell by watching players for hours and end.

does any one know where to find these bots or cheats. google dont really come up with much just E-books





  1. Simply put, it is not possible to cheat using a "bot". There are some odd calculators which can give you odds and some statistics based on data gathered over time. Such calculators are Holdem Genius, Texas Calculatem and so on..

  2. There are poker bots around and sites will ban you if you're caught using one so that should tell you that they are at least somewhat effective.  The advantages are that they play better than the average player and they can play a lot more tables than a human can at the same time.  The bots are only as good as the programming though and won't make stupid decisions like the average player would so in that sense for a lot of people it's probably a good call ;)  A good player will beat the c**p out of these bots though so it's best to learn the game instead, not to mention not getting banned from every site out there which is kinda an advantage :)  

    If you're looking for an edge then you can read reviews of the top poker software at

    King Cobra Poker

  3. First off, let me explain that there is no simple way to cheat in online poker. In fact, there is no way to ‘cheat’, per se, but rather there is a way to game the system.

    Poker rooms use what’s known in the programming world as a PRNG. This stands for Pseudo-Random Number Generator. In the simplest way that I can explain, it is not possible for a computer to generate a truly random number. Instead, these PRNG are used which basically use a ’seed’ (for instance, time) as the variables to base their algorithm on. No matter how good you are, you will not be able to mirror their algorithm. Ever. This means you will not find a miracle program that will show you what the next card is, before everyone else does. Ever. Stop searching, you’ll only end up with spyware, or worse.

    Having said that, there is a way to win effectively (and easily) at poker in the long run. Whilst many believe poker is pure luck, it’s actually a game of calculation and odds. I’m currently in the process of getting a developer to write a poker bot for me, which I’ll then write the rules (hand selection, decision making, etc.) for and re-sell. It won’t be a small feat, and will be released sometime within the next month or two. There are already a few poker bots out on the market, however, I haven’t tested them and could not tell you if they have the potential to actually win you money. Google ‘poker bot’ and I’m sure you’ll stumble on a few.

  4. Online bots are not cheats.  Unless you somehow have illegal access to the servers (which you don't, and neither do 99.9999% of people who claim to 'have seen it'), there is no way to 'know' what cards are coming, or what cards others have.

    So all a bot can do is play poker mathematically, which doesn't really allow for the psychological side of the game.

    If a programmer produced an amazing bot, capable of playing at a really good level, there is no way he would sell this program.  Because the more people using it, the more chance he has of getting caught.

    So most of the bots out there are going to play very basic ABC poker with the proper math.  This may be good enough to make a small profit over time online.  But there are no guarantees, and the bot could just as easily flush your entire bank roll for you.

    What's more, if a site finds you using a bot, they will freeze your account, and may in fact take your money.  There are no sites I know of that allow bots.

    So ultimately this is a high risk, low reward method of cheating.  The most common outcome would be to lose your money or be banned from the site.

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