
Online predators.............?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone ever had any bad experiences with people they've met online? i think we all come up with images in our heads of what people are like but how much do we actually know about them?




  1. I'm stalking you!

  2. Man you're right. Some people online are about as weird @ss as can be. It does make you wonder who you're really talking to.

  3. I have met a few people from online...always at a public place with a safe call, with the safe call knowing where I am at etc etc....from my experiance you get a 50/50 chance of getting someone weird....I am also a good judge of character, and usualy talk for a long time and look for things that dont mesh up/line up and will act like i forgot conversations prior to see if what is being said is true....

  4. You know nothing.

    They can have other s*x, age. Or even be more than one person making fun of you.

  5. I am not afraid but I am moving soon lol

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