
Online school...Am I ready??

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Ok so I hate my high school. Totally hate it. I was only there for freshmen year but I don't think I can force myself to go back. My mom found this great online school. It's awesome, totally free, field trip every month, they set you up with a laptop and internet, and it keeps my parents more up to date on my grades than the high school does. The deadline to signup is in 3 days, and I'm afraid my mom won't go for it because she thinks I'm not ready to stay home all the time and that I won't focus on my schoolwork. I'm almost 16, shouldn't I be allowed to make this decision? How can I convince her??




  1. Talk to your parents about how traditional school was not the right thing for you.  See if you can get a former teacher to recommend it to your parents.  Traditional school is simply not the right option for many students.  That is why there are so many alternative high schools out there.  You also could make a deal with your parents that if you do poorly online you will go back to traditional school.  Also, do research to make sure online school is not a scam.  

    Good luck!

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