
Online school That lets you have an iep?

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Is their an online school that will help you develope an IEP and follow it?




  1. You don't say if you are homeschooling or if you are planning to; I would go to the school district to request  a comprehensive assessment for your little one and based on the results they will design the IEP, which you can follow up on your own with the guidance of a charter school district .

    visit for more info

    If you decide to go through the public school system, they have to provide you with an special program that fits your child needs.

  2. If it's a *public* online school, then they have to help with an IEP and follow it *unless* their charter states they are exempt.

    If it's a *private* online school (you pay tuition), then no, they do not have to honor an IEP.

    You might ask this in the general education forums, especially "special education" as online schools are not homeschools (which is the category you posted in).

  3. K12's virtual academies have IEPs and special ed teachers for additional support.

    If you're homeschooling a child on your own, you could do an IEP thru the school district, but you would be the one following it.  You would also be able to get support thru the school district at your local school for services, like speech, remedial reading, etc.

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