
Online schooling highschool?

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No one answered my last question >.< Grr. But, I have a question :P Do you perfer online schooling highschool or just plain regular highschool? Cause, my daddy told me I won't get a good degree If I do online schooling but Idk which is why I'm asking this question.




  1. Liberty University offers worldwide distance learning programs including MBA degrees. Follow the URL to go to the web site

  2. You don&#039;t necessarily have to choose between the two; I was home schooled throughout high school, and i took some classes with a home school group, some online, and some with a tutor. A variety of methods is a good idea, and it really helps you learn since different methods are better for different subjects. For example, history or literature online makes sense, but lab sciences are better with a teacher. And for any of you that doubt home schoolers can go to a good college, I&#039;m attending lafayette, which is around #30 in the country. My brother was home schooled, and now at 24 he finished law school at Boston College and is working for a major law firm. So yes, home schoolers can definitely make it.

  3. If my only choice would be between those two, I would go with the on-line option.

    We prefer to have a say in our education, and set our own time schedule.

    This is often not an option with on-line schooling, since you are still subject to the schools requirements, and time schedule, however you can at least choose the time of day.

    There are many different on-line schools, and Academy&#039;s you will have to do some research and go with the better known; like Calvert, Abeka, Christian Liberty Academy, and several others that have a well established name and record.

    Your diploma from these is a valid alternative to traditional schooling.; just do the homework to see if they fit your needs, and goals before committing to any of them.

  4. I prefer online high school because with this you get to learn at your own pace, there are no disturbances, no peer pressure and no bullying and at the end of it your earn an accredited high school diploma which is accepted by colleges and universities nation-wide and internationally.

    I hope this answer helps you in answering your question.

  5. Can Children That Are Home Schooled Go To College? This is a question that is asked a lot by parents that are considering home schooling as an option.

    We all know that in today&#039;s society that schooling should not end with high school. Many parents are concerned that if they home school their children that this will create a problem for college life. Well it is not true. Studies have shown that over 74% of home-educated adults ages 18–24 have taken college-level courses, compared to 46% of the general United States population .

    As online charter schools grow and are offered in more an more areas, the idea of home schooling is changing. A diploma from an online charter school is recognized no different than one from a public or private school.

    The same as any school, most offer some of the harder classes that they might call &quot;college track &quot; for students that are anticipating going to college. It&#039;s important to remember that colleges often require certain subjects, and sometimes tests like the SATs or ACTs. Kids and parents need to plan to be sure that the home schooling experience is preparing the child to pursue the college or career he or she has in mind. It might be a good idea before high school starts to look into a few colleges and see exactly what the requirements are. For example, my son graduated an online charter school and now attends The University Of Dayton ( a private university) with scholarships, but one of the requirements to be accepted there is that ALL students must have completed one year of Algebra.

    So for those of you in doubt that a home schooled child can be accepted into a good college, believe me, they can.

    Email me if you have anymore questions.

  6. Maybe not with online schooling, though I must admit that some online private schools are still loads better than the public school... But if you do real homeschooling, and do it right and well, you are sure to succeed in the university of your choice, and later the carreer... I shouldn&#039;t say sure to, as it really depends on the person, but colleges do actively seek out and recruit homeschools for reasons that include their intellegence, independence, self-motivation, and maturity.

  7. You don&#039;t get degrees in HS, you get a diploma.

    On-line can emulate most of what you learn in the classroom and sometimes better, with interactive examples instead of just pictures in a book.

    From what I saw of the Florida program it looked good and was complicated.  I had a hard time with the electrical switches wired in series part of the electricity course.

    And, by the way, apply logic here.  How, exactly, does your father &quot;know&quot; for a fact.  Did he ever take on-line school?  That&#039;s the only way to know for a fact.

    Otherwise you just assume or take someone elses word for it.

    If you want to check a sample school out, go check the Florida school.  YOu can check it for free, but it costs money unless you&#039;re a Florida student

    See if your dad can pass the examples.  (You try it first and pick a few good ones).

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