
Only 1 input jack on stereo. Want my T.V. and satelite to go through for sound. Can it be done?

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I am trying to hook up to a Panasonic home theatre system with just 1 audio input jack. I bought a "Piggyback" Audio cable from radio shack. I was told to hook up t.v. audio out and "piggyback" satelite audio out into same audio in jack on home theater system. Problem? Sound from satelite, but not t.v.

or, if reversed, sound from t.v. but not satelite.

crazy.I dont get it.




  1. You need this:

    Or, they have nicer one's that work with a remote control for more moola.


    TV Out to Switch In

    Sat Out to Switch In

    Switch Out to Surround System.


  2. you can get a jack doubler maybe, assuming you dont have any phono connections on ur stereo.

    woops thats wrong , you should get the jack that is stereo ( used to be some that were mono)

  3. There are a lot of different configurations.  You should provide more details.

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