
Only 2 candidates left to try to be the Republican nominee. When is the next debate John McCain vs Ron Paul?

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Only 2 candidates left to try to be the Republican nominee. When is the next debate John McCain vs Ron Paul?




  1. I guess Paul can try again in 2012, but Presidential incumbents usually don't have opposition within their party.

  2. Ronnie has left the building ladies and gentlemen

  3. Hey, Rip Van Winkle..... you must have been asleep the past year.

    Ron Paul isn't a candidate.... he's a joke.

  4. They haven't set the date yet,, but its to be held in the Milwaukee Airport  Mens Washroom,,,and Larry Craig is the Moderator !!!                                  SOLOMON

  5. In case you've been living in a cave, John McCain got all the delegates he needed to secure the nomination a long time ago.  It's the democrats who are still trying to figure it out.

  6. IF you check McCain has the number of delegates to win.  So really no race and you said Ron who?

    McCain 1460

    Ron Paul 26

    needed to be nominated...... 1191

    Wonder why not debate here.....

  7. This is'nt a soap opera so they cant bring a charactor back.

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