
Only 3 Days Sick Pay Left?

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My partner has been off work due to depression since January of this year. Now before anyone says that it is just another person off sick for nothing, my partner is 32 and has worked since she was 13, only getting paid for it since she was 16. She has only been off work for the birth of her two children and the occasional flu over the years.

Her employer has just phoned to say that they only have to pay 3 days of sick-pay to my partner now and then that's it.

What exactly is it though? Does this mean she is out of a job, or does this simply mean that the company has paid her the sick-pay that they are legally entitled to pay her.

Also, where does the income come from now? Can my partner go onto incapacity benefit, and if so, how?

It is quite a shock as this has come so suddenly, and is in no way helping my partner with her current illness.

It should also be noted that 9 days ago, my partner attended an Occupational Health Examination by an independent doctor chosen by her employer. This doctor informed us that she would be off work for "at least 3 months" and that he was sending a letter into the employer now.

I am assuming that the letter has been received by the employer, and they are cutting their losses with my partner.

Can someone please advise us where we should proceed now as it is starting to make my partner feel very upset.




  1. well, make sure you don't get sick

  2. She needs to arrange a meeting with personnel to discuss what to do next. If she is still not well enough to go back to work then personnel are obliged to arrange an alternative. Meet with personnel.

  3. Employers tell you when you get the job (in small print somewhere sometimes) how much sick pay you are entitled to. Sometimes after a time you would qualify for half pay, but not always. You can usually get sick pay for 6 months or so.

    If you are still off sick after the period of time in which you still qualify for pay - then you are still employed. You just dont get paid as per the terms of your employment contract.

    It would be worth asking citizens advice or your local authority about what benefits your partner would be entitled to. Also she can contact her employers and speak to someone representing Occupational Health and ask them how they would advise she proceeds from now.

    Maybe they will allow a very gentle start back to work?

  4. she got 3 days pay left. If YOU were the boss, how long could YOU stay in business paying people for nothing?

  5. i would talk to her employer and tell them you need to know what is going on and how if she can keep her job with that company if that is what she wants to do. i don't think that they have to pay her at all except if she does have sick hours or vacation time. but i would just contact her employer and be open and honest about what you want to know..Good Luck!!

  6. If you live in the United States, she should be able to get disability benefits if the Doctor gives her a valid excuse for not returning to work. I'm not quite sure how long the benefits will last, but if she becomes no longer eligible, she can apply for SSI. I work with kids with disabilities and I can tell you right now, though, that SSI is automatically denying benefits to EVERYONE at least once, and you have to appeal the decision. I've heard now that because of budget cutbacks they're denying people twice, hoping that they'll just give up, even if they truly need it. As far as her losing her job, check into the family and medical leave act and see how much time employees are allowed to take off without losing their jobs. Unfortunately, I think it's only limited to 12 weeks so since she's been off since January that may be a problem. Well, I hope that helps, but I was also thinking that maybe trying to go back to work might take her mind off things and help her? I have two cousins who are wonderful people but who have become shut-ins (for several years now) due to depression, and drugs don't help much. It's really heartbreaking and people in my family have a tendency to get like that, so when I start to really have a difficult time, I force myself to get out and do things even when I don't want to. I hope she feels better and that everything  turns out alright.

  7. if you have a drs note i dont think the employer can do anything about it. i would thoroughly review her employers hand guide book and look for any information on this topic. also if she gets fired i would consult a lawyer.

  8. The quickest way to deal with your case is to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau (they will be in the phone book), who will give you independent, impartial advice. Here's a couple of websites which may give you further advice in the meantime.

  9. I would have her call her employer for verification. They may just be informing her of her balances and that she will have to take short or long term disability or leave with out pay. I would also ask if they have received the correspondence from her doctor.

    I would do this in a email, just so you have a paper trail to protect yourself. If you do not receive answers to these questions by COB today, call on Monday to speak with a HR representative.


    Good Luck

  10. Ot sounds as though they were letting her know so she can make plans financialy through diability. Does she have a policy for short/lond term disability?

  11. After that she will only get statutory sick pay. Contact the DSS and they'll explain it all to you.

  12. If she does in fact have a doctors note to be out of work she should quilify for disabilty insurance... Sounds like she used all of her sick leave up.. with a doctors note showing her employer she will be out of work the federal disabilty act will not aloow the employer to fire her....becouse of being ill.. Now if she just has not shown up for work the Co. especially if it is an at will state with an at will co. can let her go for anything they want ... almost as long as it does not interfere with any of the acts out there.. You would have to check with your state to find that out.. At bare minimum though if a doctor says you are not fit to work most states you will quilfy for disabilty insurance... Good luck and I wish her well..

  13. I am so sorry to hear that. The governemt will now pay her statutory sick pay i think you need to speak to the JOB CENTRE or local benefits office. but i would do it a.s.a.p as they are really slow in dealing wih things.

    Hope this helps and


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