
Only 8 more days until the LHC is switched on!!!!?

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This is some serious Shlt.




  1. 7 days to count down, but there should be no cause for alarm. The earth can not and will not be swallowed by a mini black hole should the Large Hadron Collider create one!

    There are three things that could happen when two 7-TeV protons in the LHC collide:

    1. If the collision is elastic, The protons will just bounce away from each other resulting in a change in their traverse directions but they will still retain their speeds of about 99.999991% of c.

    2. If the collision is non-elastic, the protons will destroy each other resulting in a burst of proton fragments and hopefully some of these fragments are Higg Bosons, which was the reason why the collider was built for in the first place; to prove the existence of the Higg boson.

    3. Also, if the collision is non-elastic, the two protons can fuse to form a 14-TeV mass which is quite denser than a neutron star and the resulting gravity will cause the mass to collapse into a mini black hole. The created blackhole would however be travelling at a velocity of about 99.9999996% c.

    Black holes have mass equivalents, hence they must be made up of virtual particles. Since particles and anti-particles can not exist at the same place at the same time without annihilating each other, they must move in opposite directions. This movements make it more likely that one particle escapes the gravity of the black hole while the other one is lost in the hole. The particles that escape gradually reduces the mass of the black hole and in due time the black hole evaporates into nothingness. The emitted particle is known as "Hawking's Radiation". Hawking also has shown that bigger black holes evaporates much slower that small ones.

    For a 14 - TeV black hole, the time of evaporation would be within 1.306 x 10^-82 seconds and the distance travelled by the black hole from the time it was created to the time it has completely evaporated would just be about 3.92 x 10^-74 meters, a distance which is only about 10^-59 the diameter of an electron. In short, the black hole would only be inside the collider from the time it was created until it has totally evaporated.

    The two proton beams of the collider are slightly inclined with the vertical so that in a non-elastic collision which results in the creation of a black hole, the horizontal component of the velocities of the two protons will cancel out. Thus the created black hole would be moving downward at a  velocity of 99.9999996% c. Even if no Hawking Radiation takes place, the created black hole would have gone through the diameter of the earth in practically no time at all, sucking only a neglegible amount of mass along its path within that very short span of time as it goes across the earth. (In about a second after its creation it would already be about 186, 300 miles away).

    Now, there is the question whether mini- black holes created in the LHC can accumulate or grow into larger ones. The rate of collision in the LHC would be about 6 x 10^6 per second. The two proton beams are focused on an area that is about 64 microns across or a circular area of 3.217x 10^-9 sq.m. A proton has a cross sectional are of 2.409 x 10^-30 sq.m. Hence the probability of two black holes created in the same spot is 7.476 x 10^-22. This means that such occurence can happen once in 100 billion times the lifespan of the universe.

    Black holes can also be probably created by the secondary collision of protons that have gone through an elastic primary collision if two protons are moving head- on towards each other resulting in a non-elastic secondary collision. In such a collision, the traverse velocities of the two protons would cancel out resulting in a stationary black hole. But the probability of such occurrence is once in 415 billion years.

    Finally, it might be worth mentioning that the earth's upper atmosphere is constantly bombarded by cosmic radiations which could collide with particles in the atmosphere and create mini black holes. And yet the earth has not been swallowed up by one until now because of the reasons cited above.

    So, calm down my friend. The earth will not end up in a mini black hole. Not in seven days from now and not in one created by a LHC.

  2. If I work for a company where I am trusted as smart and this company works for stocks and I am like "technical", I can bullshit anything to them about anything and they would still consider me smart, tell them we need 3 new servers to run our transactions.

    But I'm only doing this so I keep financing my division and keeping my job, so as long as I bullshit them I can keep my job, I could do the same work with 1 server but I would still ask for more because I want to keep busy and feed my family.

    Same thing is with Large Hadron Collider, or atom smasher.

    Oh we gonna send 2 small particles from 2 different sides they gonna smash into each other and all the different particles will fly off in different direction we will use vapors to trace them and find out what comes out of it.

    Maybe in the process we'll create black hole for few seconds, yeah right black hole for few seconds.

    Black hole is a MASSIVE object that needs lots of matter to produce enough gravity that not even light could escape it, whole of solar system doesn't have that much matter, and they gonna do it with atom smasher (Just keeping my job).

    Its c**p, its waste of time, money and energy, they will not achieve anything like people before them who smashed atoms and didn't get any answers to anything, just more questions.

    Oh we shamed atom and we found Quarks are produced for few seconds before they vanish, yeah right, its just freaking sparks for god sake what you expect from shamed atoms?

    But if they call it "spark" then people would say "thats nothing new, I do that in my Black smithing place", so they come up with fancy names and invest money because they studied hard all their life things like "theory of physics".

    Anyways thats my opinion, that they are just wasting our time and keeping their jobs.

  3. I hope they make a black hole!!!

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