
Only DOCTORS and the guys from MYTHBUSTERS may answer.?

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please name your occupation . Can a man go blind go blind i he masturbates a lot?




  1. if its a matter of ordinary questions then i got one first.

    will a woman go blind if she masturbates too much?

  2. I can't tell you mine but I can certainly tell you yours: Troll.

  3. You don't have to be a doctor or a guy form  mythbusters to know just have to pass seventh grade health.Masturbation is good for yo as it relieves stress.The whole it making you blind and giving you hairy palms is just a myth.When kids begin to m********e they are going through puberty, which is also when most people get their glasses, thus the myth is created.

  4. Nursing

    Of course not. Masturbation is healthy for you.

  5. only if he squirts it in his eye

    also do not do it on the bus it pisses people off for some reason

  6. yes you can your eyes will pop right out of your head. then your pee pee will fall off.

  7. this myth is busted.

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