
Only anser if your play yugioh and WIRD things happen to you often?

by  |  earlier

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i don't completly get this;

sevrel times i was taken to worlds whair yugioh monsters are real then evry time they start talking about wanting me to defend them and us humens from some "evil light" or somthing like that and sins that started i can see monsters floting around like it's an evryday thing next thing i know i'm the E hero's "chosen duelist" n my fraind is the crystel beast's "chosen duelist" then i'm marked as a thret to dark world monsters n i get some kind of "light" power then i see a prphecy saying that a moster spirit and i will banish evil for sevrel years as some kind of spirit tamer and saying that i'll save the world then i start thinking it's too cheasy and unrealistic but evrytime i think that way something comes up to prove to me it's real pluse evrything in my life is falling in place to get me the position i need to be in to compleat all this

so........what's your thotes?!




  1. It is look like anime but NOT i think it's realy cool you know.

  2. Haha.

    Lay off the pot...

    and acid...

  3. sounds tight some times i uimagine i am dark armed dragion at nightrs i throw my pillows off my bed like removing a dark from play i basically do the same stuff

  4. dude  that sounds just like the anime

  5. Sounds like you pay too much attention to the anime. One more thing, e-hero deck=fail

  6. ok u probabaly have an adiction, r u sur u r steady in the head? I would see a doctor if i wer u. (how old r u ?)

  7. Hmm Sounds Really Cool SO when you go there again Write me ok i want to go to a place like that or just see it for a bit.

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