
Only answer if you're going to be mature about it... He's drunk and I'm getting attention?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I'm 14 and not trying to sound conceited, but I've been told by a lot of guys I'm attractive.. I have a crush on one of my brother's friends who is 21, & he definitely knows it! I've known him my whole life and he's a really good guy -- Valedictorian, helps teach a Sunday school class, voted Mr. Byrd High School, an Aerospace Engineering major, he was starting running back his senior year, and even with all of that he somehow has a hard time getting the ladies.. I'm shy, so we don't talk much, but I always catch him looking at me from a distance and he always looks away really quickly after I see him.. Whenever we walk by each other he purposely avoids my glance, but when he starts drinking it's another thing.. Every time I see him drunk, I always catch him smiling and staring at me until I say something or he starts talking to me.. & no I'm not going for a relationship, so don't lecture me on that, I just think he's cute and a great guy. What's going on in his head?




  1. Can you say jail bait!

  2. well first of all, is this the kind of attention you want? second he probably isn't in the right frame of mind becuase he is drunk so i would be very careful around him if i were you if he is giving you this kind of attention.  don't be alone with him cause it might go bad. and ya he probably thinks u are hot or he might just be trying to be nice

  3. Best thing you can do is ignore your feelings for him.  I'm much older than you, but I've been in a similar situation.  Looking back, I wish I had turned the other way.  If he's getting drunk, that's a sign that you need to avoid him. All the education in the world cannot make him a better person.  He's 21 and you're 14.  He's too old for you.  He will get into trouble and you'll be looked down on at school for it as well.  You may not care what others think, but it really doesn't look good at your age to be with a person his age.

    He's most likely playing games with you.  He opens up when he's drunk, like anyone would do.  He's not afraid any more.  He's not shy drunk.  He looses judgment.  When he isn't drunk he probably realizes that you're 14 and it's not good for him to be looking at you.

  4. He knows you are off limits, but still finds you attractive/wants you. So he is conflicted and keeps his distance. You know you are too young for him, so try to stay away from him and let him find a girl his age. You would be doing him a favor. Good luck

  5. Here's my mature answer

    He's 21 your 14?

    Do I need to explain.

    Your naive.  

  6. Sorry to tell you this but he is probably thinking "d**n why is she 14 bc I really wanna hit that". And I'm sure if you acted on it he still would hit that. But like others have're 14 so please don't act on it. Admire him from afar. Dream about him. But don't do anything with him. Because (even though he's sounds like a super awesome nice guy) he probably wouldn't talk to you afterwards. That's if he even wants s*x. You said he teaches a sunday school class, so if he doesn't want anything like that, chances are he'll say "You're really pretty and really sweet, (etc) but you're too young for me" So either way it doesn't look good. Sorry hun.  

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