
Only british people get to be knighted ?

by Guest59962  |  earlier

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What about half british , or not british at all...




  1. You can be American or foreign-born and be knighted but you can not use the honorific of "Sir" or "Dame."

    "Foreign citizens occasionally receive honorary knighthoods; they are not dubbed, and they do not use the style 'Sir'.

    Such knighthoods are conferred by The Queen, on the advice of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on those who have made an important contribution to relations between their country and Britain.

    Foreign citizens given knighthoods over the years include Chancellor Kohl, President Mitterrand and Mayor Giuliani of New York."

  2. OK heres how the knighhood works. Theres 10 orders of knighthoods and you must be a native born british or commonwealth citizen to receive full knighthood. Including the honor of being called Sir John Doe, GCB (Order/rankage, like PhD behind doctors and such). Half british you can still qualify for full knighthood. Americans and non-british can be "knights of chivery" which means you can have the OBE (Order of the British Empire) behind the name but cant be called "Sir." Americas mayor is a recent example of this.

    Check out the link i put and learn more about how the honoury system works and what the 10 orders are for. Some are military others artistic. Yup Bono got knighted.

  3. Actress Elizabeth Taylor was made a Dame Of The British Empire at the end of 1999. Her parents were American art dealers who had set up business in London, where she was born in 1932. The family was forced to leave there seven years later when World War II broke out. Even though her parents were Americans, Elizabeth was considered a British citizen since she had been born there and that was where she had spent the first seven years of her life.

  4. You don't have to be British but you have to be a cirizen of one of the 16 realms and territories to use the honrific "Sir" if you aren't you can be given an honorary knighthood e.g George Bush Snr, Bill Gates, Rudy Guliani, Bob Geldof all have honorary knighthoods, have KBE after their names but not "Sir" before as they are all American or Irish citizens.

  5. Anyone can receive a Knighthood but only British or Commonwealth citizens can use the term Sir before there name. All other foreigners who receive a Knighthood Bob Geldof, Ronald Regan to name two then it is for honorary purpose's only

  6. You have to be a citizen of the commonwealth to be knighted and to be able to use the title "Sir". If you are not a citizen, you can receive an "Honorary Knighthood" but cannot use the title. Elton John and Paul McCartney have both been knighted, and can use the title.  That's why you always hear them called "Sir Paul McCartney" and "Sir Elton John". Bono and Bill Gates have received "honorary knighthoods" and therefore are not called "Sir Bono" or "Sir Bill Gates"

  7. i think if you are a british citizen.

    answer mine?;...


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