
Only children are/were you loney?

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I ask because of a choice i have made, with only having one child.




  1. I was an only child and i did experience lonliness when i was younger and wished i had a sibling. I would suggest that you have friends or cousins over often so your child doesn't feel lonely.

    I am glad that i now have an adopted brother, even though i had to wait 15 years for him.

  2. My husband is an only child and he was miserably lonely throughout his childhood.

    He loves to watch our kids play with each other and talk about things - he never got to experience this himself.

    His mother passed away 2 months ago (at age 57) and his father is terminally ill (aged 58) and will not live past a few more months. So at the age of 36 he is going to lose his parents as well.

    The burden of having to arrange everything himself, with no sibling to share his grief is tremendous.

    I personally never thought anything of only children before I saw what it was and is like for my husband. I now think it is not the ideal thing to do.

    However, it seems that you have valid reasons for your choice and with careful parenting I am sure your son will live a happy and full life.

  3. I'm a 28 year old only child. To this day, I HATE it. I can't even express how lonely it was growing up. In fact, I used to cry myeslf to sleep praying for a sibling, but it never happened. I used to beg my parents for a sibling, but they said no - they wanted to be able to give me everything I wanted. So in the end, I got all I wanted, as spoiled, but was still miserable. I would have given away all my stuff for a silbling. Luckily I married a man with two siblings, so I have a sister and brother in law, but it just isn't the same. i watch what a close bond they have and I get really jealous. I will never get to have that with anyone. I will NEVER just have one kid - I will have at least two. I just couldn't do that to someone. That's just my opinion.

  4. I not an only child but i was as well to be cos my siblings are all old enough to be a parent to me . The youngest being only 9 years older . 6 brothers and 1 sister , my playmates were my brothers kids , so you can see how that panned out no , lol...i never felt lonely but i did have the tendency to wonder off to be alone off ages at a time.

    Even though you only have one child , there's always others around for him/her to play with , beit family or friends no.

  5. Well I had an older sister from my dad who I never saw I was my mothers only child for 9 almost 10 years and I was fine with it. Single kids find ways to occupy themselves.

    My son has been a single child for the last 6 years. Now about to have his brother. He is excited but not sure what to think. I think single kids tend to like being the only child. they don't really have to share anything.

  6. I asked a similair question a few months ago see link

    I do sometimes feel guilty that we have decided not to have more children but in this day and age,  with things being so expensive and all the evil things that are happening in this world I would rather give her the best we can and as much love as possible

  7. I have seriously thought about not having a second child. My nephew is 2 1/2 years younger than my daughter and they act like siblings.

    My daughter has also expressed to me that she does not want a sibling. She tells me "only mommy and Hannah"

  8. Well my parents divorced when i was 3 and i was an only child..up to the age of 7 i wasan only children,but i didnt mind, i lived in a street with a lot of kids and saw my 3 cousins a lot...I did sometimes use to wish i had brothers and sisters to play with at home in the evenings when all the kids from out the front had gone in...or if i was playing a game with my 3 cousins and it would be time to go...i would envy the fact they could all stay together and keep playing together...

    Then suddenly when i was 7 2 new step-brothers came on the scene...and i wasnt an onlychild anymore....

    i only see them at the weekends...but that is long enough for now i kinda have the best of both worlds, mon-fri I am the only child at home with my mum..and i can just relax and meet up with friends and i love it..but then at the weekends i experience the whole Annoying Brothers thing...

    So they way i have it now is perfect...Yeah they annoy me...but i love them to pieces and yeah we fight as well...but they are alsogood company and i have somuch silliness with them...

    And now i do like beingableto say when people ask:no i am not an only child i have 2 step-brothers..

    So Yeah your child could either enjoy it...Or feel lonely...

    But no matta how much they annoy i have them i couldnt imagine my life without my BigStep-brother and Little Step-Brother.

  9. My husband is an only child, and is a well adjusted, not lonely, loving man.  He does have a couple "only child syndrome" things, like a little more selfish then the average man... but nothing I can't deal with.  Also, I love being married to an only child!  They consider me their daughter, and they treat me like gold!

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