
Only for women who can truly answer this: If you had an affair with a married man, how did it end? good or bad

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or has it ended?

did you remain friends? did you hate each other? did one of you get psycho?

I'm looking for real information, not critical remarks to other answerers.

Thank you.




  1. Just end it

  2. any time you have a relationship with a married person you cant expect any true feelings  when it ends you wont see him again because will have already replaced you  unfortuntaly 9 out of 10 men only cheat on there wives for s*x they will say they have feelings for you but this is not true they say there wives are cold unwilling to have s*x this is usually also on true  for all you have had with this married man is s*x  just end find someone who isnt married and when you find mr. right may you pray he dont cheat on you  but  unfortuntaly he probably  will

  3. it never ends good. in my experience, i did not know the guy was married. i found out from his wife, who called me to ask who the heck i was. once he was confronted, he denied the whole situation then said it was all my fault and i approached him. . .blah blah blah..anyway, just be careful if you are in that situation. Like i said, it never ends good and you shouldn't be in the position to break up someone's family. If you are considering this situation, run away fast! and if you are in the situation now, get out ASAP. You should have more self respect to lower your standards to this.

  4. I did have and affair and there was no closer on it. It was bad no matter what. I lived in another state with my husband and children. We suddenly had to move back because of my inlaws were not doing well. The affair happen 5 years ago and I told my husband a couple of years ago. We he found out we did go through some physical abuse and I could not give him the answers he was looking for. I never wanted to hurt my husband and I am slowly learning why I did it. My husband wants answers and I know there is never a good answer to an affair. This has been a long road for us. You see we have been married for 17 years and we were high school sweethearts. We will never be the same again.  

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