
Only if you are a Massage Therapist?

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I have been a MT for 3 years now and i have been getting severe low back pain from the strain. I've always had a bad back (hereditary), but after each client, the pain is more excrusiating. I've recently had to get muscle relaxers, Xrays, Thermophore,'s diagnosis is inflammation of my facets. I just had to call all of my clients today and tell them I have to take a break. I didn't want to at all, plus my wedding is in a month and a half. So my question is, do you get back pain from working on clients? My hands really don't bother me, just my back. I have to take care of me now Ive decided.




  1. Hi,

    From a physician's point-of-view having had training and practiced in massage therapy decades ago, I can tell you that it is your "position" while performing the massage that is causing your back pain. You need to align your position and work differently.

    Good Luck!


  2. When you do a massage it is extremely difficult to do one without leaning forward slightly. Perhaps you are over compenrsating and the low back is extending compressing the facets together and irritating them.

    Do you have a nice deep curve in the low back.

    A few sessions of osteopathic or Chiropractic treatment will likely be helpful in reducing the symptoms and enable you to carry on with your job.

    Long term taking up pilates would help you to maintaina good posture

  3. Get a massage every week.  Bad backs aren't hereditary.  You can be predisposed to genetic things but if you take care of yourself you won't get them - like diabetes is hereditary but not every one with diabetes in the family gets it.  You can use that for an excuse if you want to.

    Do core strengthening exercises.  Go on an anti-inflammatory diet.. and do other things to reduce stress.  It is probably more the fact that you are getting married soon because it is a big life change more than anything.

    Get enough sleep.  Use herbal anti-inflammatories such as K-prex or phytoprophen.

    Stretch and exercise regularly.

    Changing the height of the table is one thing.  You have to also learn to use your body weight and balance your body over your feet and use your legs for applying pressure.

    Have someone watch your posture when doing massage.  You may not be aware of what your body is doing.

    It is also about your psychological efforts and how hard you are working on someone.

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