
Only serious ans plz..I am noticing a little lump in my 3 year old girl child's right breast, I am so..?

by  |  earlier

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worried, reading a lot on net about hormone imbalance, I hope it's nothing like puberty :(:(




  1. oh god i hope its not wat ithink it is :(

    i STRONGLY suggest taking her to the doctor ASAP

  2. No need for panic.  It is totally normal at this age for there to be lumps every now and then.  I took my daughter to the doctor when it happened to her and he said not to worry that it was perfectly normal.

  3. Go to the doctor.

  4. I would advise bringing your daughter to the pediatrician just to make sure so that you can stop worrying about her.

  5. That could be a really big problem, like cancer.  Take her to a pediatrician!!!!! I'm sorry for your problem and I hope she's okay.  

  6. Call your doctor and ask what it means.  

  7. a 3 year old is far away from's important to get it checked by a dr. breast cancer has no shame

  8. this is ur 3 year old daughter and ur very worried mmm  i see well if your that worried y dont u bring her to u doctors or ur gp ermmmm and if u think askin questions on this will make ur mind at ease then dont firstly its illegal to practice medicne without a liscene so go the the people who know best and not just a bunch a know it alls  

  9. Yah theyre hitting puberty earlier and earlier nowadays.

  10. You have a lot of lymph nodes in your body and it could be one of those popping out best bet though is take her to a doctor.My 5 year old has a lymph node that pops out everytime hes about to get sick.I wouldn't worry about puberty thought you probably have many years to go before that.

  11. Take the kid to the doctor, you responsible parent.

  12. at about a year my daughter got swollen nipples with a milky discharge i completely freaked but the dr didn't seem bothered and it disappeared in a couple of weeks. go and get it checked though

  13. Most likely it is a fatty tumor, basically just a hard ball of fat and nothing to worry over.  Take her to the doctor to have it checked out just to be safe.

  14. Why were you feeling up your daughter? Anyways, it's probably just a cyst.

  15. they have a spurt of hormones at this age it really is nothing to worry about but if you are still worried pop her along to the doctors more to set your own mind at ease im sure that would make you feel better

  16. Precocious puberty does happen, even at the age of 3.  This is nothing to ignore, and if she is experiencing precocious puberty there are ways of suppressing puberty until she is of age.  Well, unless you want a 4 year old with her period and b*****s...

  17. I don't think it's anything to worry about Hun.  Your child is developing and sometimes these lumps occur.  Just visit your doctor and get it checked out ok Hun...

  18. She's 3 years old, you can rule out puberty. But if you are really worried, you should take her to see a doctor.

  19. run to the doctor

  20. If you are worried pop along to your dr, a check will do no harm, and only help you.

  21. You should take her to the doc. Don't manipulate the lump anymore. There are some conditions that can worsen if you palpate the lump.

  22. She could die she might have cancer!

  23. well, i have this thing, cystic something... (sorry, i cant remember the name) and occasionally my b*****s get a lump, but it goes away... its a genetic thing, so maybe you or someone in your family has this? hope i helped =)

  24. You already know the answer: go to the doctor and have it checked out.

  25. take her to a dr fast!  

  26. why ask? u need to take her to the doctor!

  27. my 20 month old has a lump in her right breast too! at her 18 month check up i showed her doctor. he said it was nothing to worry about, but if it continued to grow to bring her back in for a second look. it has not gotten any bigger so im not worried at this time. I totally understand your concern...i was SOO freaked out when I saw it. Take her to her doctor just to be sure. I'm sure it's nothing. :)

  28. take her to doc, no matter what ppl say on here they are not medical professionals and have not examined you're daughter

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