
Only serious answers please?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I drink coffee, when I pee later (even if it's been 4 or 5 hours after last drinking it) my pee smells like coffee. And I mean, seriously, if the coffee was strong, the smell is stronger. If it was a flavored coffee, like a mocha or a caramel frappuccino or something, you can even smell that. My dad went into the bathroom after I had drank coffee and just peed and he was like "Dude, did you dump your coffee down the drain?" Also, if I eat anything heavier then just a bag of chips, I have to c**p within about 20 minutes. I'm in the bathroom within half an hour of eating after every meal. Is this serious. I don't have a lot of money, so I don't want to go to the doctors if this is normal. But if this seems like a problem with my intestines or my digestion process, please let me know. Because I'll admit I'm a little worried. I'm an 18 year old male.




  1. lol...this happen to most of ur...

  2. as for the coffee smell i have to say its very common (i have the same) and i even get it with decaff coffee! About the c**p thing you shouldn't worry at all, it seems like you have a perfectly working bowel system. Going to the loo after every meal is the normal thing but modern lifestyle makes it very difficult. I know its kinda weird to need the toilet after every meal but i know people that spend 5 or even 7 days waiting for their bowel to work! You shouldn't be worried but still if you would like to control or change this, your Doctor  would help

  3. im not a doctor but ur liver might be overwhelmed... take it to a doctor and he can help ya

  4. The coffee thing happens to me too.  I've asked a doctor about it and been told it's nothing to be worried about so long as you also drink enough water throughout the day.  As far as having active bowels, it is also nothing to worry about unless you are inexplicably losing weight or feeling lethargic.  

  5. Caffeine, the active ingredient in coffee, is metabolized in the liver and is excreted in the urine, sweat and other body secretions. That is probably why you are smelling the coffee. So do not worry!

    Taking a c**p after every meal can be normal for some people. But if you are losing weight or appetite, getting stomach pains, feeling bloated or passing a lot of wind or have loose motions - then you do need to see a doctor to rule out malabsorption syndromes.

  6. you are fine trust me it is natural

    'depending on what you eat it changes smell and appearance when you pee

    for example eat alot of asparagus and you will see what i am talking about  

  7. hmm.. the coffee down the drain thing did make me laugh, sorry lol

    but ur liver might be overwhelmed? idk.;...

  8. so far as the coffee smell i cant help u there. i'm no coffee drinker. but as far as the digestion problems i can help. i have been going through the same thing as you until i changed my diet. don't eat any fast food at all. nothing fried, no butter, cut back on dairy products. try a diet of just chicken and veggies for a few week to just regulate your digestion.  at first your stomach may hate it but you'll get used to it after a week. then after just eat healthy and you'll be set. the coffee may have something to do with your digestion problems as well.

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