
(Only to those who have recently read The Constitution)?

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The Constitution, after stating the inalienable rights of humankind, goes on to list how The King of Britain had committed various crimes against the original thirteen colonies, which gave them the right to break off from Britain and create The United States of America. I noticed that these list of crimes tend to be very similar to things our own country is doing today, such as lying to invade Iraq and phone tapping. My question is: Is it time, or will it soon be time, for We The People - gifted the right to do so by the constitution itself - rise up and overthrow our nation in order to save and restore The United States of America. In doing so, holding acountable but in no way punnishing those who deliberately committed these crimes. I aslo ask this - might this restore, although possibly met by the government with force, the strong sence of nationality we as a nation seem to be lacking?




  1. No, I do not support coups. I support elections. (So long as the Sup. Ct. will allow our votes to be counted, which is an altogether different topic that you seem to have forgotten about completely.) Bush will be GONE in 10 months. Ten months! And you want to hold a coup? How impatient can you get?

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ..."

    Our Founding Fathers were rebelling against the King of England and the English government because they did not have a voice in the government, so far away; parliament did not have anyone who was "representing" the American colonists. That fact is why our Founding Fathers rebelled. But in the U.S., we don't have a "king," but a President who's powers are limited, has a limited term in office and is limited to only two terms. Members of Congress are elected by us to represent us.

    I suppose that I am just wasting space pointing this out to you. You will probably remain an appallingly impatient guy and you will probably continue to talk about having a coup. If you try to act on it, I hope you get what you deserve.

  2. Where to start?

    You realize that you are co-mingling 2 different documents don't you; i.e. the constitution and the declaration of Independence?

    based upon that, I don't think you need an answer.

  3. No.

  4. There is no way the people of this nation could ever get up off their couches in a revolt...

  5. The second amendment was written to ensure that the citizenry would always pose a threat to a government that usurped the powers of the people.  The amendment process gave the people the right to seek redress aginst its government when the government over-reached (think prohibition).

    It would be easier to overthrow the government by amendment or election than by violence and to have a modern consititutional convention that might produce a better design of government i our time seems unlikely.  Let us instead work with what the founding fathers gave us and recommit ourselves to restoring those liberties we have traded away for comfort, convenience and the hope of security.

  6. I live on a university campus, supposedly where everyone is idealistic and itching for opportunity to fight every injustice in the world.  Honestly, I think you'd have a tough time getting enough students to even compare to the Anime Club.  America is too apathetic.  Those groups out there don't get far because the feds just need to check up on their blog to see what's what and who is involved.

  7. I don't think enough people have been inconvenienced yet.  We're all still thinking that the bad stuff is only happening to other people and that it's only going to happen to other people who have it coming like Muslims and illegal immigrants and people who aren't patriotic enough.  As you may recall, the people of Germany did not rise up and revolt against Hitler.  Look what it took to stop him.  What do you think it would take to stop the US if our own people can't or won't do it?

  8. omg..another 9/11 was an inside job and we were deceived...come on people...we were invaded..they, because of their belief and faith in their holy muslim religion, they decided to take the lives of americans...we were invaded and deceived. they trained to fly on our soil to only cause destruction to our own country..go move to iraq. good gosh, people like you really should just leave. im so over the whole inside job c**p

  9. are you sure you don't mean the Declaration of Independence

  10. you need to rethink your mind if youre going to ask this kind of questions. I know you are smarter than how it sounds.

  11. Don't recall the king invading Iraq or tapping phones in the 1700's.  Am I missing somethng?

    What the American colonists didn't like was having taxes imposed on them, and raised without having any say in the matter.  So they kissed the bum off, had a tea party, and formed their own republic.

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