
Ontario Canada - laws & rights when fighting children's aid.?

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I need help finding information on fighting childrens aid agencies in Ontario, Canada, and information on the rights of children in foster care. I need this information as fast as possible. Can you point me to a link, or a resource, where I can find the information I'm looking for? Non-biased official sites preferably, those that can be used in an official capacity, not just a person's opinion.

Grateful for any direction, here. Thanks.




  1. You ought to speak with a lawyer about this. The Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario's law society) has a service called the "Lawyer Referral Service," whereby you can call a number (I believe there's a $5 fee or so), and get a 30-minute free consultation with a lawyer in the field. The number is 1-900-565-4577.

    Depending on your reasons for wanting such information, I wouldn't consult the internet to build a case against Children's Aid any more than I would to write a research paper on it. If you have an actual legal issue that you want to address, for the love of all things good and holy, speak with a lawyer. I've actually seen people try and argue before a judge themselves based on what they've found on Wikipedia and a handful of quack websites. Those cases are painful, drawn-out and often accomplish nothing, at best.

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