
Open Adoption?

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Does anyone know where I can find a contract or agreement "example". I am meeting with an expectant mom this weekend who wants to place with us and we were going to write an "Open Adoption Agreement/Contract" together. We are both aware that these contracts are not legally enforcable, however, we are doing this to make it very clear what is expected of both of us. I really need an example contract as my and her Atty. have never done one. Thanks in advance.

I am not looking for other peoples opinions about open adoption...just need to see what a real contract looks like.




  1. Grabbing our adoption files now to look it up for you and Gershom.  Hopefully after 10 years we still have it.  finger crossed.  i"ll get back to you.

    I couldn't find it in the folder i grabbed out of my bedroom before hubby went to bed.  I can look thru the rest tomorrow.

    I believe it defined OPEN adoption

                                    SEMI-OPEN adoption

                                    Closed adoption

    Then it asked the adoptive parents which of these they wanted.

    Then it ask the first parents which of these they wanted

    Then it asked the expectations of this open adoption plan from the adoptive parents

    Then it asked expectations of this open adoption plan from the first parents.

    It is written what has been agreed upon and then signed.  That was the gist of ours.  I will keep looking thu.  It was very basic questions. Good Luck

  2. i actually tried to find one for you, and i can't seem to.  

    mostly, it seems you just need to write out what each of you want/need and have it notarized and signed by you both and attorney.

    i sincerely appreciate your intent to keep it open.

  3. the best and safest advice is to consult an adoption agency licensed in the bm's state or an adoption attorney (also licensed for the bm's home state).

  4. Basically what a post adoption contact agreement should cover is the MINIMUM contact that you and your child's mother are comfortable with.  Ours stipulated letters and pictures once a month until the child was one, and once a year after that. (we have weekly visits and contact whenever one of us feels the need to talk)

    It's MUCH easier to open the adoption further than it is to cut contact later.

    I don't have a copy of that contract.  Though we signed it, and his mom signed it, it was sealed with the rest of the adoption paperwork.  And it is not enforceable.

    His mom was present at the finalization, and the magistrate was CRUELLY clear about that.  By the end of the session, he had her in tears.  Luckily, we are not people who go back on our word.

    Tell your attorneys that it should be worded similarly to a custody agreement in a divorce.

    Good luck!

  5. I dont think it really looks like anything

    you just decide what you want to agree on and do

    and then write it up

    although as u said its not legally binding so i dont see what good writing it up even does anyhow

    and I really hope that you really mean what u say and say what u mean because its not right to promise something just to get what u want and then destroy someones life because of it....and I cant believe that its not legally bindng,that is so messed up...

  6. I think everyone is getting confused between "private adoptions" and "open adoptions".  In Alberta, open adoptions are still a legal procedure.  What you are talking about is a private adoption, which is done between two parties not wanting to go through the court process.  That is probably why you can't find contract examples.
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