
Open Poll from Animax

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animax in Hindi and english with original Japanese audio (background music), opening & ending. Also with shows Like naruto, Bleach

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  1. hm..., Animax in Hindi is not mush prefereble though coz it has  a quality english literature which really has helped me in improving my english.

    I do agree with "animes with their own openings and endings should be aired which is the awesomest way to learn japanese indeed :P

    plus, new animes should also be aired along with the old animes that used to shown on Animax some years back!

    Animax is the only channel (I guess)that has introduced animes to Whole of India! Long live the channel! =p

  2. weeell

    i don't live in india so i dunno if i'm the best person to answer thiss

    but i used too so that must count for sumthing right?

    nywaii about the original j*p opening and ending

    i say go for it

    i'm a big fan of anime being broadcasted in j*p with subtitles(coz i think that dubbing an anime just ruins it) but i spose not evry1 would share my view so go for the next best thing the op and ed in j*p!

    the songs tend to be nicer in j*p nywaii

    also i don't no what you mean by animax in Hindi AND English

    is it like some shows are in hindi and others are in english or like one channel is in Hindi and the other in English???

    does that have anything to do with the question in the first place? -_-"

    anywaii back to the opening and ending, I'd love to see the animes with original j*p audio ^^

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