
Open Relationships Can They Work?

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If 2 people are in a stable relationship but have s*x with other people on the side, or does it always just end in a mess with them splitting up?




  1. Usually ends in a mess.

  2. I cant see how it could go well. Jealousy will play a part at some stage. Plus who says either of you wont find someone better to have s*x with and even fall in love. Its just to complicated.  

  3. it worked in my case... :D

  4. I cant see how they would work really, I have the whole thing very strange, if your in a relationship its becuase you want to commit to that person, if you want to sleep around you should be single.

  5. There must come a point when one of the people you are having s*x with captures your feelings as well as sexual drive. What happens then? The green eyed monster must rear it's ugly head for the other person in the relationship. All kinds of complications then I would imagine.

    Keep free love for Communes and the rest of us can have one person at a time! Take it easy.

  6. For me personally, I would imagine that it would end in a mess... but I suppose it depends on the circumstances. If both parties are in agreement to the open relationship (meaning you're not doing anything behind your partner's back) then I suppose it's fair game, however it will be a real test on your emotions. In open relationships, your jealousy is always tested and it often leads to a lot of repressed feelings of resentment toward your partner... in many cases, the relationship will turn into a competition. If both of you are people who are in control of your emotions and you both fully understand what you are getting yourselves into, then the relationship could work. I'd just as soon do it the old fashion way though...

  7. i don't know but i would think that it would be a disaster! unless they maybe didn't tell eachother who they were sleeping with and when...and used protection

  8. if there in a stable relationship they would not want s*x with others, unless there swingers

  9. It can only work with full knowledge and consent in the relationship.  For example, you can't decide you want an open relationship and sleep around if your partner isn't aware of it.  That's called cheating.  However, if both you and your partner agree to an open relationship and if you are willing to talk about the external play partners, things might work.  Yes, jealousy can play a part, but that's a common factor in most relationships, whether monogamous, open or polyamorous. Jealousy is a natural human emotion that stems from the person's own fears and insecurities.  The key is, when jealousy comes up, to face it and understand why you feel it, and both you and your partner acknowledge that these feelings exist.  And you must also practice safe s*x each and every time with new play partners.  (I would recommend having the new play partners give you results of their most recent STI screening along with the date of the test, just to be on the safe side.)

    I am speaking in part from personal experience as I am in an open relationship.  I am seeing a man who is also regularly seeing another woman, and on occasion sees a couple others.  Full knowledge and consent exist in our relationship.  I know about these other women, and the one who he also regularly sees, I know her personally and we get along.  I am free to see other people if I wish, but I'd have to let him know of this new person and be able to give him a sexual health history before I can become intimate with him.  And of course, we always practice safe s*x with any new partner.  After more than a year in this relationship, my partner is fluid bonded with me as well as the other woman he regularly sees, even though we use condoms most of the time anyway.  Yes, I have been in this relationship for more than a year.  I don't foresee it ending anytime soon because of how well it works for us.  But remember, my lifestyle wouldn't work for everyone.  it requires a lot of work and a lot of communication.

  10. i personally dont think it would work, if you love some one why u would u want to see them with sum1 else? i would be really upset if my partner suggested an open relationship x

  11. Sure it can work.

    If you are both wanting it, both honest and open about it, both communicate any worries about it, both follow any rules you decide upon.... etc..

    These relationships ARE out there and do happen... They are just not for everyone....

  12. If a couple want to have s*x with other people then neither 1 of them should be in a relationship.

    My husband and i would never do such a thing cause we dont need other people to satisfy us sexually plus we respect our vows.

  13. giving permission for your partner to cheat? which it is essentially.


  14. BIG MESS! That's sick - I don't understand why people even consider doing that?!

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