
Open-mind Vegetarians Only!?

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This is strictly journalistic. I don't want to persuade teenagers to go vegetarian. I want to persuade teenagers that they can help "Go Green" just by fixing their diets.

What percentage of teens are vegetarian? Also give the ratio, like one in every...teens is a vegetarian.

What percentage of teens have thought of going vegetarian? Again, give the same ratio.

How does vegetarianism contribute to the environment?

For those who absolutely cannot give up meat, what are some things they can do in their diet to help with the "go green" campaign?

If I see your answers as extremely reliable, I may contact you for more information. Do Not give internet links, please!




  1. For starters, people who believe the only way to be an environmentalist is to give up animal products are way off base. There are so many factors (in a developed nation) in global warming....vehicles, factories, oversized houses, waste and on and on. If you eat meat, you can still use public transportation if it's available, recycle, reuse, turn your kitchen scraps into compost, buy used clothing, trade things you want for things someone else wants, grow your own food, turn your thermostat down, balance and rotate your tires etc......

  2. Nothing wrong  with going green  just don't ram it   down my  throat and  I will, privatize my   religion too.. And  the guy  asked me what is  wrong  with culture  Toddy Post modernism is taking us to I believe in everything (relativistic Non sense), and  Linguistic nonsense but  that is  where   the  greenies like  things and are going as of now  But as i said nothing wrong with going green.

    *****Thank you  for your tolerance.****:-)

    ****Don't you just  feel the love?***

  3. I could but will not give up my meat inclusive diet.  I live in a smaller house that is well insulated.  I drive a smaller semi-fuel efficient car.  I raise a large garden.  I do not run to the market every time I think that I would like to have something.  My wardrobe is rather small and I wear clothes till they are worn out.  I shower when I am dirty or stinky but not necessarilly every day. While I do not recycle everything I do some.  Could I do better? Yes. Am I doing better that a lot of the Greenies out there??  I think so.  Going green is not a diet only program.

  4. I'm not sure aout the numbers of vegertarian teenagers (my guess would be 1:40 or something.

    I would argue that going green with your diet and going vegetarian are the same thing. Or similar at least.

  5. I think your research is awesome. Vegetarianism is the way to go -- think of it. A cow uses oxygen but a plant produces oxygen and then you can eat it. And the cow can live and make milk, cheese and fertilizer.

  6. Eating grass fed meat and fish will get rid of the issue of using arable land to feed livestock. Pasture land can't be used for other purposes usually.

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