
Open my mind. Maybe I'm ignorant

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Maybe i'm ignorant but I don't see how classifying people according to ethnicity is a divide & conquer tactic. We're all different yet we're all human. I'm not Greek that does not mean I'm not human. I don't see how acknowledging the physical differences in man is a divide & conquer technique? The way I see it is humans is like any other form of life. There is always diversity. There are red, purple, white, orange, yellow roses. There are all roses but they are different. Whatever happened to being proud of being different? What's your opinion? Can you help me understand the whole divide & conquer tactic?




  1. Dividing and conquering as a military technique is rather simple. For the most part being different is something we should be proud of, I agree. But we're human as you point out and in a lot of cases our differences divide us more than anything else possibly could. So leaders, conquerors exploit that weakness and divide us so conquering is a lot easier to do.

    I don't think it's a matter of you being close minded about things nor ignorant. It's just the way things are.

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