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whats ur favorite type of chips?? why do u like them??

i like hot chetos and theses other chips forgot the name




  1. I like lays sour cream and onion chips!

  2. salt and vinegar pringles are so incredibly good i wish  had some right now they always make me feel better

  3. Snyder's BBQ are my favorite.=)

  4. I like Kettle BBQ chips, mmmm.

    But my alltime favorite is Fritos! [:

  5. cool ranch doritos... they are delicious!

  6. Jay's Kettle Cook chips. I like them because they are nice and crunchy! but not greasy like lays

  7. I really like the taco flavored Doritos, and the sour cream and cheddar and the sour cream and onion ruffles have always been at the topof my list. but my absolute favorites are the twisted honey bbq fritos. the twistiness makkes their texture perfect!! yuhhm chips lol

  8. potato: ruffles cheddar and sour cream, so good

    tortilla: red doritos with sour cream, mMm

    i love popcorn and puffed cheese doodles too

  9. Lays,or any spicy chips like it

  10. sunchip harvest cheddar, i like potato chips with onion chip dip but then again just about every chip or tortilla chip is good dipped in that chip dip.

  11. I Like lays original, old dutch sour cream n onion, and doritos hot wings.

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