
Open question to Bean...?

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Why is it that you never or rarely answer my questions?




  1. I'm not sure really, but I think it might be because you rarely ask questions, I only see one per week on average of yours and maybe I don't know the answer or something like that..... hey, I'm answering this question..hehe..

    - edit -

    are you related to HushPuppy by any chance?

  2. tellmetellme....ya lah...who are you actually...

    i still remember that u claimed me few other yammers have blocked you before..(the Q regarding why jedi blocked these ppl: yaya gh zeeda etc....) You've created ur account on March 2007 so u must be a senior...what was your previous nick? oh c' yourself...

  3. Bean yang segat amat has answered you..finally..

  4. It's my fault... actually I was hiding him under my bed.

  5. Maybe he just  missed them. He's already answered this one though

  6. coz u q and a sounds like mr.B

  7. Now Mr. Bean answered your Q. You make it. yeah!

    Why you only look for Bean, is he very attractive to you ah! hahaha

    There are many leng chai here mah! :D hahahahahahaha...hahahaha

  8. leave him la.  

  9. Human right. he can choose to answer or not to answer your Q

  10. see he already answer u lor

  11. there, mr. bean has finally resolved your curiousity.

  12. *Peace*

  13. "Some questions are just not meant to be answered".

  14. I guess, maybe because you guys logged on at different time of the day.

    Or, maybe, he's simply not interested.

    He'll answer this though.  I reckon he won't be able to resist a direct challenge.

  15. blurrr~~~~

  16. Hahaha Bean.................curious who is the asker?????

  17. ,,,to bean or not to bean......tats the question.....come on tellmetellme....i need the answer now....dont be so yaya ok.....oh god......i think i zzzzzzzzzzzz now lah..before the crab  come and get me.....and make me gundu or gindy rather.....and i wanna be hepi...forever(but i no diva okiess...i no Tyra Banks!!)....and no more clone wars.....but still got the malayan tiger and the foxhound....takuttttt!!!!!...wait..nak lawan pakai cactus....leh tak...???....dah lah penat lawan....someone get me lemon juice!!..purple one oso can!!!


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