
Open records question?

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If we were successful at getting records open in the US, would this be just OBC's, or would it also include access to the adoption records that the agencies & lawyers who handled the adoptions have? While finally being able to have a copy of my own birth certificate would be wonderful, it wouldn't be life-altering since I already know who my n-parents are. However, I would like to know exactly what is in my file at the adoption agency. Will opening records make that possible? Anybody know?




  1. I think a lot depends on the statutes passed.  I suspect it might just be OBC's.  And that frustrates me to no end.  I know who my first parents are.  I have their names.  I'm in a relationship with one of them, and the other had nothing to do with my adoption.  But the agency still won't tell me what's in those files.  There's no one left to protect, unless the agency itself did something wrong.

    If someone has more hope to offer than my suspicions here, I'd love to hear it.  Maybe it will put pressures on the agencies?  But I suspect they have too much to hide.

  2. My understanding is that it is just OBC's and that anything more then that would cause it all to come to a grinding halt. The agencies have too many lies in our files - they want to cover their butts.

    And I understand what IJToomer is trying to say but really, we're all very UNLUCKY that we have so little. Strangers at agencies are holding our information pertaining to our lives hostage - locked away in a file cabinet and god forbid we even ask to see it. Who else other than adoptees get treated like that?

  3. Sigh, unfortunately I think it's just the Original Birth Certificates but only 8 states allow adoptees access to even that piece of information that everyone else is able to get no questions asked

    I was so shocked to learn that my records were closed, even from me and that total strangers working in an office block can look at MY information but I can't!  It just baffles me!

    Just last week I went along with an friend of mine who was adopted as a child to get his adoption information.    The ENTIRE FILE was handed over to him.   It belongs to him.  His identity, his information.  I was in awe, absolute awe  (This is in the United Kingdom)

    I told the social worker who had handed my friends file to him the very different experience I'd had in the United States trying to get MY information and that my identity is a State secret (a US social worker actually said to me "Heather, your birth is none of your business")  She thought it was outrageous.

    So do I.

  4. hmmm..never thought about it.  I just wanted my medical records..until I realized that in 1969 they didn't KNOW if cancer ran in the family  or genetics were wonky or stuff like that.  After I realized that, I didn't care one way or the other.  The attorney's that did my adoption were contacted by my birth mom and happened to be friends of my parents. just never mattered to me.  To those that need to know about meetings between clients and stuff?  Yeah, i think they should be able to read it if they want.

  5. It won't help be because I don't think I was legally adopted.  My birth mother gave me to the doctor, who gave me to my Mama and Daddy.  I may never find out who they are, or my medical history or my heritage, because any paperwork was in my "adoptive" parents' names, and I didn't even have a birth certificate until I was five, just before first grade and I needed one for school.


  6. As far as I know, it is just your OBC.  I haven't heard the efforts being expanded beyond that, though I could be wrong.  

    You are lucky to even have what you do, though I agree that it would be nice to get more information - really, aren't we entitled to all of it?  Since none of it would be there if it weren't for us?

  7. Right now its just original birth certificates.  Its already being suggested by the powers that be.  b*****d Nation, Adam Pertman of the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, CUB, OriginsUSA, American Adoption Congress and others that we will go national in a few years.

    Soon adoptees, adoptive parents and natural parents voices shall and will be heard.

  8. I'm not positive but yes i think that this will help, good luck!
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