
Opened mezcal bottle. Pretty old...?

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It's probably about 15+ years. It has the worm in it. Do you think it would still be ok to drink? Thanks in advance!




  1. yes it is safe to drink.. i've seen people drink alcohol when their is a snake in the bottle ..

    i think as long as you don't eat the worm it should be fine

  2. First, as with all 80 proof alcohols, it should last longer then you do.  The taste can go "off" over time, but its still safe to drink.

    Second, you have it backwards.  Mezcal is not a form of tequila, Tequila is a form of Mezcal.  Mezcal is what you get when you turn Agave plants into alcohol.  If you use the Blue Agave plant, you get Tequila.  If you use any of the other Agave plants, you have Mezcal.  

    Its similar to citrus.  Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, etc.  They all make citrus drinks, but you don't call lemonade Orange juice.

  3. Should be ok, though possibly a bit fermented. Also know that mezcal is a bit "rougher" than "straight" tequila.

    Good observation AznBoi : that's one of the indicators that it's mezcal.

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