
Opening / Setting up a creche/nursery?

by  |  earlier

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I am wanting to set up and run a creche/nursery as there seems to be a huge gap here, however i have no idea where to start.

Has anybody done it recently? What qualifications do i need i think is where i need to start?

The business side is no problem just the actual start up, regulations, qualifictaions etc? Is there a specific course for setting up a nursery?

Thank you




  1. No much sure where to get the qualification - but i would first start by registering as a child minder, etc and get in touch with your local council - and also you may need to get a CRB ceck first - try looking up on the government sites under the child care, etc - then I think you'll need to get in touch with the child protection agencies - I think your idea it's a great one and i don;t want to put you down but I think you'll find it's so much bureaucracy and so difficult to get these people to get on with the paperwork - I know because I friend of mine has registered as a child minder and after almost 12 months she was able to get all her papers in order. But good luck and keep persevering!!!

  2. If you are in the UK you need to get information and applcation pack from The Care Commision.  They can also advise on grants, training etc.

  3. Well its very different for a creche vs a nursery...

    Creches are open only for short periods and cater for differing ages and are not always education based.

    Nurseries can be:

    -Day care-open all day for all ages and education based.

    -For 3+ ages as in Nursery School

    so the info I can give you may need tweaking!

    But bascially:

    --To start up you'll need to contact OFTED (esp for Nursery) as you will need to be registered and inspected.

    -Insurance: Public Liability and also to cover the building, staff, students etc.

    -Room which has access to indoors, outdoor, toilet and running water.

    -Qualifications:The leader (planning curriculum, running sessions) must be Level 3 or above according to QCF,l then the ratio of qualified staff will depend on how many children you have.

    -Staff will need First Aid, Food Hygeine and Safe Guarding before you can open.

    -You'll need policies ready before opening.

    -ALL staff must have passed CRB checks (criminal record checks)

    Look up National Standards on and look up

    May be worth speaking to someone from local Children's Centre or County Council as you may get funding and support when opening.

  4. i think you need to call the board about that in your state.

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