
Opening a Boutique?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, I want to open a boutique and I have not opened any business of my own before. I was wondering if anyone had any idea the cost it may take to open one and if there are any good sources to look to for getting info on the subject.




  1. You really should contact the Small Business Administration. They has a division that you can meet with retired business people who can help get you under way. Their advise is great, the only thing I would add to their advise is to way overproject your expenses, so that you will have a cushion.

  2. There are so many variables such as what exactly are you going to sell.  What kind of equipment or fixtures.  What kind of office equipment.  Training you may need.  Accountants and or lawyers needed for paperwork.  Day to day expenses.   Are you going to have employees?G You need to know your area and your clientele.  You get as much info as you can before you even think about opening a business.  get in touch with your local Small Business Association.  They give  info on opening businesses.  They are businessmen from the community that know how to run a business.  Go to your local Barnes and Nobles.  They have plenty of books on opening your own business. Also do research on the internet.   Good Luck in your endeavors.

  3. First is your rental - find your location.

    Second - your inventory costs to purchase what you are selling - plus your fixtures cost (counters, shelving, racks)

    Third - your operating costs; utilities, advertising, employees (all referred to as your fixed costs, which would also include your rental cost).

    Fourth - your city licenses, taxes, etc. - check with your city.

    Any small business referral guide will also assist you.

    Good Luck and Much Success!
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