
Opening a Grocery / Household Delivery Service Yes/NO???

by  |  earlier

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I would like to start a Grocery / house hold items delivery service in Wisconsin. Please let me know if this is a service that you would like to use. Below is a list of other question I would like answered:

What would be reasonable pricing for this service?

Time of day for delivery?

Would you like to email your orders in / call/ both?

Any other information that would help me makes this a successful business please add.




  1. The economy being the way it is,  you may want to reconsider your choice of businesses to start.  People are trying to save money anyway they can and paying for someone to shop for them is out of the question.

  2. Opening a Grocery / Household Delivery Service **Yes,  Go ahead.

    You would like to start a Grocery / house hold items delivery service_____** Good Idea.


    You wish to me know if this is a service that you would like to use_____** Yes, provided you would have been in PANCKULA.

    What would be reasonable pricing for this service____** Prices prevailing in Market.

    Time of day for delivery____________** same day or at the most next day (i.e., on following day)

    Would you like to email your orders in / call/ both____**Both

    Delivery time should be lined up over phone and Payment is collected, same day i.e., against delivery.

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