
Opening a running Microwave?

by Guest64766  |  earlier

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I opened a microwave at work when it was still running, a girl next to me slammed the door shut and gave me a horrified look. She started to explain that I let out all kinds of radiation... I've done this hundreds of times. Is this bad. I assumed the energy would dissipate as it was opened. Wouldnt there be a huge warning on the microwave saying not to do this? Thanks




  1. What do you mean opening a running microwave? When the door opened did it shut off? Seeing as microwave has a very short wave band it creates intense heat instead of the low band waves such as uranium.

  2. She's pretty much an idiot.

    You don't necessarily want to spend a whole lot of time standing near a microwave, but you aren't going to 'let out' any radiation by opening the door.

  3. haha.... this reminds me of a kid I used to babysit.  His mother told him that microwaves are VERY dangerous and that he should be very afraid of them.  As a result he would put his stuff in close the door put the time in push start and HEAD FOR THE HILLS!  litterally running away as his popcorn rotates in the microwave :P......  

    Yeah......  Stupid people anoy me...  The poor kid will have nightmares of microwaves for the rest of his life.

    What your doing is perfectly fine.

  4. Sounds like you need a new microwave. It should shut off when the door is opened. If you've done this hundreds of times and you still have hair, I'd say your O.K.

  5. Once a microwave gets approval for marketing I'm sure it contains a shutoff switch that is connected to the door.  Whether this device works is related to the switch manufacture  and uF device.  There should not be any worry.

    If the microwave keeps running after opening the door, I would suggest running to the "fusebox" and shutting it off.  Just flip, until you hear it shut off.

    Don't just stand there watching.  You're a lot bigger than the thing in the microwave so chances are you won't get hurt

  6. Microwave ovens have a switch in the door handle and opening it stops the magnetron immediately. Since microwaves travel at the speed of light (microwaves are a type of electromagnetic radiation, just like light is) it would have dissipated entirely way before the smallest of gaps could exist between the door and the frame.

  7. She is crazy, I've been doing that all my life. When the door starts to open the radiation stops.

    And you are correct, if it were dangerous, there would be warnings. So she is not only crazy but stupid.

  8. It's not a problem. There are safety interlocks that cut off the radiation if the door is opened, and by the time the door opens wide enough for microwaves to escape they have dissipated to nothing.

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