
Opening a virus in a library ok?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not sure if an email sent to me is a virus or is ok, if I open it in a library and it is a virus can it still affect my pc ?

what I mean by that is, if I use that email addy again on my computer after will it affect it? I don't have virus software.




  1. Being online without virus protection is just asking for trouble.There are too many good free programs out there to have any excuse for not having it.

    Both are totally free,if you run them together,you will have great protection and it won't cost you anything.

  2. If you do not know who it is from, then do not open it.

    If you know, ask the person if they sent you something.

    If it is in a Yahoo or Hotmail email box, you can usually see the picture preview.

  3. If you open it in a library, it won't affect your email address, but it will infect the library's machine.  Do that only if you don't care a whit about anyone who uses that machine after you.

    Hope that helps.

  4. All of the  previous answers were very unhelpful. People think that linking people to a free anbtivirus website is enough to get a best answer they are silly.

    Only be suspicous of attachments with the file type

    .exe .pif .vbs .scr

    They are executable and the only ones capable of excuting code. (the stuff which can break a computer.)

    HOWEVER  If it links you to a website that you have never heard of before. Do some research, and google the website to see if its legit.

    Use this tool to scan emails online for malware -

    But if it is an image file such as .jpg then it might be p**n so cover your eyes :P

    I doubt it will infect the libarys PC as most libarys diable the right to run excutables for this exact reason.

    It will not infect your PC if you open it in the libary as you have not downloaded anything in the email to your PC.

    And do get an anti-virus for your home pc people have linked free ones everywhere on yahoo answers.

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