
Opening an Orphanage...?

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What would I have to do and get to start an orphanage? A lot of kids who's parents have died or lost their rights are put in foster homes that are the same or worse than where they were before. I want to open an orphanage when I'm older, because I love to be around kids and I want to help them have a better life and be able to grow up as normal kid, well as an ophan can. I wasn't able to have a normal life growing up; moving every few months and having to make new friends, not seeing my father for 8 years, and being molested took a large roll in me becoming who I am today. But as I was growing up I realized, despite all that I had gone through, My parents loved me. I hope that I can give kids a better home than the ones they might have in the future and love them as much as I can. Sounds alot like a commercial I know, d**n me and my... I don't know what to call it.

Right now I am only 15, but soon, in the near future I hope(within 6-7 years), I can open up an orphanage.




  1. I don't know about the USA in Australia there is an organisation called Barnados, who you can ask of what qualifications you need and how you could set one up they always are looking for people to train as child care workers or to look after Orphaned children

    In Australia there are a lot of jobs for child care workers and if your really interested working in this field and getting a foot in the door and training. If you show them you are truly interested they may sponsor you, for a college scholarship to come over to Australia and go to university here and work hands on at the same time while you get a diploma in child care and social work. It's something you can look into for your future.

    I'm an American who went to university here in Australia, I liked it in Australia so much I moved here.

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