
Openning a story....HELP!!?

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I'm having trouble with deciding on how to open a story. Its about a girl who parents are dead and has a secretly possessive and evil angle. She has a dark personality and 3 friends.




  1. Malanda watched the gecko scamper up the brick wall next to the door she held open. She had just said goodnight to her three gal-pals, after spending all the night and a good portion of the morning hopping from bar to bar, until the "last call" was made, leaving them nothing to do but to return to their respective houses.

    Now, with her body buzzing from the foreign chemicals she had ingested over the last several hours, she held her hand still, key poised just in front of the lock, as she stared at the gecko. She wondered if she was fast enough to stab it with her key. At this thought, she recalled that horrible man at the last club they had visited, Todd, he had claimed as his name, who had sneered at her and walked away, claiming that she had an evil, dark spirit.

    "Pfft!", Malanda thought. I don't have an evil, dark spirit." And then whispering to the gecko, "Do I, dear little one?"

    As her head leaned towards the gecko and her hot breath struck the small lizard, he shot away from her and under the wood frame of the screen door she still held open. As soon as it started to move, Malanda stabbed her key into the spot where the gecko had been perched. "You vile animal!" she wailed, "calling me dark!" And she pounded her fist, still holding her key, against the wood just above the spot where she saw the gecko dart. She pounded it once, twice, and a third time.

    Then she stopped, and took a deep breath, and maneuvered her key into the door. Turning the key, and then the doorknob, she flung open the door and stumbled into her abode.

    The stench of the dead bodies assaulted her nostrils, and her lips curled slightly in a pleasured remembrance of the feeling she had experienced as she had slowly cut into her victims earlier in the day.

    And then she shook her head, and realized that she was dreaming on her feet. She was smelling the kitchen trash, which was well past due for taking out to the street. Still, if one was to dream while standing, her dark dream was as good as any. "Perhaps I can continue this dream as I sleep," she thought to herself, as she groggily made her way to her bedroom.

    Chapter Two ...

  2. Whoever just answered that question above me, don't ever attempt writing again, please ^.^

    Anyway... Just begin it maybe in a school or something with someone pushing her, and she gets back at them with her dark angel... That would set up a display of just how violent her angel / helper is.

  3. she sat there, just like she always did. the forest was practically her home. she felt she did not belong anywhere else. the forest was quiet. she was alone. the rain pounded on her jet black hair, drenching it. she did not care though, this was the only place she could come to without being tourchered by the others. nobody could truly understand her. nobody ever tried. she was glad they didn't though. if anyone found out what she truly was they would scream and run for eternity. she was cursed. cursed by a deadly evil within her genes.

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