
Operation <span title="tommorow....................??????">tommorow....................</span>

by  |  earlier

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it is currently 2:06am i have not long turned 16 ......if you are wondering why i am up so late it is because i am watching wrestling anyway i have an op this morning i am not sure what time i think it might be around 8 or something but problem is i am real real real thirsty what can i do? the operation i must have is i have a tooth that has sunk into my gums and it must be cut out to be removed and i am also having two back teeth removed so what can i do? i really really want a drink




  1. um.........

    water is ok i guess

    but u really shouldn&#039;t take chances

  2. DON&quot;T!

  3. I dont get what&#039;s the problem with drinking water but... you can always drink juice :)

  4. dont drink you can ruin the operation and you never know your tooth can get worse

  5. swallo your spit and go to bed..its late anyway

  6. Lol, this is random but uhh.... Try getting as much saliva as you can in your mouth, and then swallow it. Or, if you can have something that will hydrate you, drink water. All I can think of.

  7. Did they tell you that you aren&#039;t allowed to drink 12 hours prior?

    I would assume, because it&#039;s not major surgery, you could have a glass of water.

  8. ask for one

  9. have some water, but inform you doctor you did so just so he knows

  10. u can suck on some ice chips but not too many, ur stomach needs to be empty for the anestheisa

  11. You cant have anything.  But you can have ice chips once the surgery is over.  Unless otherwise specified by the docotr.  God luck with the surgery!

  12. anytime someone must be put under anesthesia, meaning putting you to sleep, you are not to drink or eat usually after midnite for the Main Reason of you would be taking a chance of throwing up while the surgery is going on and could choke. you don&#039;t want to be sick like that during the operation, so Don&#039;t mess up and drink! you&#039;ll be alright. go to sleep and quit thinking of it. watching tv is just keeping you awake and you need to rest before the surgery. be well and be smart.........

  13. dont u dare drink, youll have to cancell the surgery

  14. Just drink something. If I was as thirsty as you I would just have some of water.

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