
Opinion: Do you think it's OK for African-Americans to use the "N word"?

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How do you feel about people saying they're allowed to use the N word because they're black, but anyone else can't? Don't you think this is a double standard?




  1. IMO no one should use it, it is derogatory no matter who it comes from and it never necessary to say.

  2. I don't think they should be allowed to use derogatory names, and I'm tired of the double standards.

  3. The word you mean does not have a negative meaning itself.  It is what people make of it.  If he tells you that he would go crazy whenever a white person called him by this word but that he wouldn't mind it if a black person did it, then you just got to know that this black person (who is being called) is not worth being talked to.

    What white people should think of having a right to use that word or not:  simply not use it.  Or would you feel as if you just lost a lot of your freedom?  But if you insist on having that right, then you can use it as an indicator for how close your relationship with your black friend is.  If he/she starts a fight with you, he/she's not worth it.  If he/she does not mind at all (like your white good friends don't mind being called ******* by you), then you have a black good friend.

    I know this is not a good way to find such a thing out.  The better thing to do:  simply not use the word.

  4. I am a black person who finds using the "N" word distasteful in any situation. However, that word has morphed a bit in the African-American culture. One black person using it with another is kind of like Canadians using the term Canook with one another. It's a way of saying, "hey, we're of the same family." A non-black person just doesn't fit in that "family" the same as a U.S. citizen isn't a Canadian. Also, typically white people are known for using that term in a very derogatory way.

    What I don't like, and the main reason I do not encourage the use of the "N" word, is that this standard of "I can say it but you can't" is a way of being racist. My ancestors (along with many other raced people) worked hard to get us equal rights. We should do our utmost to keep from going down that road of hate and bigotry!

  5. Its wrong.and its hypocritical when they use the "N" word,yet no one else is allowed too.It all derives from the same word and has a bad mexican and we sure as h**l dont walk up to eachother and say wats up w*tb**k.Its wrong

  6. Hello,

    No, they say that word with humour and some good nature.

    As for whites, well it is like you can call your mother or sisters the B word when frustrated but if I do I am going to be in trouble with you.

    This all came to light a bout a year and a half ago when Oprah went to visit the school she had built in South Africa and the black chauffeur said how are you all doing, n words?

    No doubt he learned that from an American movie about LA gangs etc since the derogatory word for an African was kaffir in that country.She got choked about it and did a whole show on the matter.


    Michael Kelly

  7. Its double standards, they can but we cant. I guess its not as offensive coming from another African-American. I think its un-classy anyway.

  8. No! No one should use it! I don't care who you are

  9. This is unacceptable.  If you mean THE N word (the really nasty one that rhymes with bigger) then any one who uses it should have their tonge cut out.  That goes for ALL racial slurs.

  10. Yes but this Cracker doesn't call them "N" anyway.   :-D

  11. I think it's tasteless for them to say it and use it in their music.

    But that's just my opinion. I would never use it, even if I were black.

  12. no.  We should just stop with the racial slurs altogether.

  13. No.  And whats really ignorant about the whole thing is the people that use the word are demeaning themselves while others who would like to use it are laughing at them.

  14. I've stopped trying to figure out what's okay and what not okay with black people...there is such a double standard that it's too hard to figure out.  I think any black person that uses the "N" word is a little on the trashy side so I probably wouldn't have the occasion to be in the company of people who call each other the "N" word anyway.

  15. I know from where your question comes, in today's news.

    As a white American, It was/is forbidden in my home.  I've never heard my children use it, although I am not/never was with them every minute of their lives.

    I don't understand why this is in anyones vocabulary or why it's even an issue if African Americans use it with each other.

    We all know it originated with slaves.  I doubt that they called one another by that term.

    Although it became a deregotary term, it came from the country in Africa, "Niger" or "Nigeria", the source of many slaves.

    I'd hate to think how an African citizen, (or one who became a recent citizen of America), might react to be called that.

    I've heard whites called that by another white.  Certainly a derogotary term, indicating that they, (a white person), was not worthy to be a white person.

    If African Americans want to use it among themselves, so be it.  I don't care one way or another, but I won't use it, knowing the original derogatory intent. (Less than a human)

    My father was Italian, and as a kid, I was called a w*p and a Dago.  Many immigrants were called WOPS.

    All that means is, "Without Papers".  wtf.  Who cares.  I never ran home crying because I was called "names".

    Blow it off!

  16. I dunno... if you're short or fat or (fill in the blank) you might not want the whole world to call you that. You might only be comfortable with peers calling you that.

    Personally I think it's insulting. Like a girl calling another girl a w***e... but to each their own.

  17. Black people telling white people they can't call them the "N " word but they turn around and do it is actually racist. They single out white people. And, yes, it's a double-standard. Makes no sense. If they hate the word so much, the why the h**l are they calling each other it and thinking it's ok?  I call people what I think they are. Black or white.... if they are stupid, I call them stupid. If they are beautiful, I call them beautiful. The "N" word is just plain foul.

  18. Black kids from poor neighborhoods on the South side of Chicago use the N word almost like punctuation.  That and the word "ash" which is kind of a universal suffix added to any adjective you can think of.  "Like look at the dumbash, get yo fatash out of here or I'll beat yoash, N!"

    I know whereof I speak since I taught for a time at two all black schools there.   Not being black I think I would have been fired and perhaps killed if I had used the word, but if you are black you can use the word with impunity.  I discouraged it but I was ignored.  It is a double standard.  I have even been called the N-word myself which I found kind of humorous.

  19. yep, it just shows ignorance.  There are black people at my work that do it to each other.  It is very offensive and trashy. They are joking with each other, not fighting, but it doesn't matter to is so low class and rude.  If a non black used the word, they would be offended...............DOUBLE STANDARD, yep.

    rain man

  20. Not really BUT it depends on the situation.

    There are periodic times when it is acceptable (All-black comic shows) and times when it isn't (not at workplace, church, around children).

    Spend more time around  black people of all economic levels and you'll will see when those times are. It sounds like you (and many that have responded) haven't been around allot of  black people for it to be a big mystery.

    (thumbs down person)-Guess only the NON-BLACK people are experts on why BLACK people think it is ok sometimes.

    (Thought the question was asked because he truly wanted to know why).  Cheers.

  21. Hey...Everyone can call everyone N.You said only blacks could. Are you racist??


  22. Of course it's a double standard.  If they don't like the word, why would they denigrate themselves by choosing to use it with each other?  That is just so much hogwash.  It either is or isn't an acceptable term.  Can't have it both ways.  If they are going to continue to use it, then all should be able to.

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