
Opinion: If people were to fill up their gas tanks only half ways, would that save money and demand for oil?

by  |  earlier

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A lighter car would have better gas mileage. Filling tanks only half way would decrease a demand for oil being processed into fuel (maybe?) and cars would become a little more economic. Does anyone think that would help at all?




  1. The fuel thus saved is negligible and doesn't make a dent.

  2. If I normally use 1 tank of fuel a week to get back and forth from work and I started to just fill my tank half way, I would have to fill my tank half way again in the same week.....that is to say 1/2 X1/2 = 1...I would use two half tanks in a week that otherwise I would normally use one full tank meaning that I used one whole tank anyway only now I had to make two trips to the gas station making me use up just that much more gas than normal....think about it!

  3. No, because you could only go half as far.

  4. Yes, it would keep the car lighter, and thus increase milage.  But your time is valuable too.  If you have to spend twice as much time at the gas station, you lose out.

  5. if so i dont think it would make a huge difference.  Yes it would be lighter but you can only go half as far, so you will be at the gas station twice as often.  

    In my car (75 duster), i get better preformance with a full tank due to the weight over the rear wheels.

  6. It would technically make a difference, but it would be minuscule.  Compared to the weight of your car, the weight of half a tank of gas is basically zero.  It really wouldn't be worth the hassle to save probably just a few cents or less.

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