
Opinion-based question:?

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Okay, based on my research, I have noted that all of the people I know who like Metal or some variation also like the song "Mad World". Is this merely a coincidence?




  1. Who sings "Mad World"?  I've never heard of it (at least the name), but I love Metal!  If it's anything like White Zombie or Pantera, I'm sure I'll love it!

  2. Well you're segregating your answer to just the group of people that you know which means most of these people probably have similar characteristics.  You need to broaden your group.

  3. It's kinda wierd conclusion bicuse when some one listens some music he could like some song diferent type. On exemple i listen punk and my favourite band is REM and i also like Iron Maiden. It doesn't matters. Most of people who listens Metal that i know of never heard that song. I think that that song is great.

  4. I have a friend who likes both. I know another guy who loves metal, but doesn't care for "Mad World". I don't think there is any correlation. It would be sort of an odd link, though, seeing as how "Mad World" isn't metal.

    Maybe a lot of kids who like metal think, "Oh, nobody understands me! I'm going to rebel and watch Donnie Darko because nobody understands that either!" And then they hear that cover of Mad World in it and they think, "Well, it's not what I usually listen to, but it's pretty sweet, plus it's in Donnie Darko, so I'll like it!"

  5. agreed..

  6. I will answer this from a psychological viewpoint, noting as you have specified that this is an opinion-based question. I would think that in this particular case, you and your friends do share similar interests in the first place, giving rise to the probability that a decent proportion of you would like the song "Mad World". As the saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together". It could be a coincidence, one predetermined by your social circle's natural inclinations.

  7. Maybe they like the movie Donnie Darko? That song is featured in the movie and it's a cult classic.

  8. it's ok but not the best

  9. It's a good song.  You will find the same proportion among all fans of music I'm sure.

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