
Opinion on Aliens?

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do you think that they are real?

do you think the government and nasa are trying to hide it?

if yes do you think they are a threat?




  1. Yes.


    There's no way to know unless we wake up one day to a real life "War of the Worlds".

  2. I think that aliens are real.

    I think that the government and nasa are not trying to hide it.

    And i think that they are not a threat.

  3. I think that their is alien life out there but they are no threat to Earth, Reason.

    First off lets look at science, When traveling at the speed of light it would take us a couple of hundred years to reach the horse head nebula which is the closest system to us.

    Just on that fact alone, that the government of the world hiding alien existence is very far fetched well as them being a threat. I think stuff like that is best left to movies and hollywood.

  4. There is always a possibility of other lifeforms beyond Earth. There are many other planets throughout this galaxy and universe. Each star could have it's own set of bodies orbiting it. But so far we only found gas giants orbiting their stars real close. Some people think of the sol system as a unique system with life. If we could find a system with similar planets and orbits then there could be a possible sign of life thriving. Microbial or sentient. I don't think anything is living in area 51 but the government could know stuff and keep it a secret so the country doesn't fall apart. It depends on the species. They can be either mean or nice. Like ET and War of the Worlds.

  5. Aliens are similar to the Y2K threat. Very scary to the imagination but in reality only a thin vapor. What ever space travelers arrive on earth, it is unlikely they would be organic visitors and more likely to be a mechanical probe device.

    Space travel is not a conventional form of travel for creatures of any type as the affects of weightless would render them atrophoric, physically powerless and probably expire in a few years. If they could survive the diminishing effects of space travel, the successive generations would most likely lose their ability to understand how to control the ship and become a mindless social group that, though isolation and containment in the space vessel, could very well fall ill or starve and such tragedies.  

    Where as machinery could well last several hundred or thousands of years in perfect condition and functional in space.  

    So are there aliens ? Yes and No. More like space machines sent by other extra terrestrials to investigate this planet for possible habitation colonies.

    The Government shares information with the general public on a need to know basis. Even if the public was made aware, what would be the benefit ? Mass chaos ?

    Are aliens a threat to our survival ? Probably we are the biggest threat to our own selves. Maybe the aliens are going to save certain people and spieces and take them away for scientific research.

    I don't know honestly.

  6. Yes aliens are real and they exist on other dimensions or planets.

    Yes I believe that the government and NASA are both trying their best to hide their top secret research about "them".

    No, they are not a threat. That's only in the movies and no one can tell for sure what they are like...

  7. yes


    alein invasion

    scientist beleive they are real because they see water on other planets lines of water surrounding plannets and they beleicve where ever there is water there is life oh and they seen i forgto the planet but they see it change colors they beleive because of the seasons maybe we can go there when the aleins invade lolz i kno all this and im 11 years old XDi mean how did they make the word aleins if they never seen it how did they even get on the subject

  8. i believe there are aliens. i dont think they come with green skin, 5 eyes, 3 legs, and all that blabba. i don't believe they have weird powers or eyes that stand a meter over their heads. in the milkyway alone, i think that the closest thing to alien is probably a tiny little worm. i reckon that in some other galixies there are aliens that look, speak, sound and smell excactly like us, but chose to invent things in a completly different way.

  9. i thnk they do exist.......

    i dnt think they are a threat coz......they are lke us.....just that they r frm some different place.....maybe they to are asking questions bout us .......n answering we are .,nw!

  10. When you think about it, its probably a little naiive to think that there isn't aliens. Looks up at the sky at night, see all the stars up there. Any of them might have planets circling them, any of which life might exist. Of all those millions of stars are we to assume that only one planet among un-numbered others is able to harbour life?

    But thats not to say that the Government is trying to cover up their existence, because frankly, there is no way that Aliens are ever going to be able to reach us. Most of the stars are billions of light years away, and there is no possible way and being could accelerate some sort of spacecraft to anything near light speed. Even if they did, it would take years, so are these aliens going to expend all of their resources and time to fly to earth and make crop circles so that they can have a bit of a laugh at us? It ain't gonna happen!

    Haha, and considering that there is not way that they could possibly so much as reach us, no I doubt they are a threat!
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