
Opinion on Top Greatest Empires in World History?

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In my opinion, with 1 being the greatest, and down the line form there, the order would be..

1. Roman Empire (really, it's Rome, is there any competition?)

2. British Empire (at its height, controlled 25% of the world, but failed to exercise total power over it.)

3. Mongolian Empire (very large but was never completely united under one ruler, had much infighting)

4. Alexandrian Empire (could be the greatest empire considering the time frame it was created in, but also not the greatest considering the time frame it fell apart in.)

5. Ottoman Empire (A decently sized empire which lasted for many many years, but loses prestige from its later years being known as the 'sick old man' of europe.)

6. Napoleonic Empire (Napoleon was an eccentric genius, but he failed to dominate the English and was embarrassed by his invasion of Russia)

7. Austrian Empire (good in size but weak overall do to constant revolution.)

8. Aztec Empire (not Western-doesnt count.)

Your lists?




  1. No empires are great because imperialism is a terrible thing.

    And as for number 8, why does being non-Western make the Aztec Empire not count? Anyway, the Mongols weren't Western either.

  2. I would have to agree with this list for one minor exception...i mean the alexandrian empire did what rome did only they did it first...not that i disagree rome belongs at #1 hands down simply because they did it better and added to it along the way such as but not limited to surgery, democracy, architectural achievement, and military strategy. But maybe The Alexandrians should be a lil higher on the list...maybe 2nd?

  3. 1. The Roman Empire

    - It was huge and well-organized

    2. The Incan Empire

    - Extremely well-run and controlled a large part of the South American continent

    3. The British Empire

    - Wide-reaching but prone to violent rebellions which made it weak

    4. The Empire of Alexander the Great

    - Well developed while he was alive and put together in an amazingly quick period of time

    5. Napoleon's Empire

    - Though it was badly run, it did encoporate almost the enirety of Europe and at one time the English were almost entirely non-existant in the war when their army was driven from Spain

    I wouldn't consider the Mongolian Horde's conquests to be anything close to an actual empire since they never held onto it and it pretty much went to pieces after the death of Tamerlane

  4. im sure there were other powerful empires than rome. that's what they force feed down your throats and glamourize in school. dont beleive that hype!

  5. You forgot one: United States of America. There has never been an empire as powerful, money obsessed and quite expanding like the USA. And now is finally declining. But it will take some more decades to fall. But be assured it is coming.

  6. 1. Roman Empire because it took hundreds of years for it to collapse and had armies fighting from Britain to the Sahara.

    2. Napoleonic Empire because it took Britain and its allies over a decade of nearly non stop wars to defeat the French.

    3. German Empire because it would of won WW1 hands down had the U.S. not fought against it.

  7. Why Rome at 1, it isn't in the same league.  You're talking about a few million people in total, at the time phenomenal but London was the first single city to a million then the first to 8 million and many times bigger than the nearest competitor anywhere.  It was also the biggest for over 100 years holding on until German bombing forced 2 million out.  The Empire created the US and won the world wars w. weapons the Romans could only dream of.  No competition in modern terms.

  8. You forgot the Third Reich. Not quite the 1000years they where hoping for though!

  9. i agree with yours execpt i would replace the austrian empire with the mayan empire

  10. 1. Roman Empire

    2. British Empire

    4. Ottoman Empire

    5. Alexandrian Empire

  11. 1. ants

    2. mosquitos

    3. bees

    4. sharks

    5. spiders

    6. snakes

    7. cats (big ones too)

    8. worms

  12. 1) the enlightened socia-republic of Adeptus

    2) the land of the divine, Jakatakastan

    3) the bookish kingdom of Hay on Wye

    4) the miniscule but respectable Sealand

    5) The largest empire ever to soverign over the Earth, Oceania

    ( all micro-nations )

  13. roman empire

  14. I love the roman empire. they practically slaughtered the competition. and there styles were great. so romans ftw!

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