
Opinion on art for book cover. Pic included- Can anyone help?

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I just finished doing this picture in photoshop elements [Yeah, the good OLD Stuff XP] and I intend on using it for the cover of a big I'm writing.

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But I need a few opinions; what do you guys think of it? Any suggestions?

As for the blood, is a bit much?? The book IS macabre.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!!




  1. 3/5

    I see whee your going. and I can see the anime influence but its to ridged. I'll call it south park syndrome. that is ether there facing forward or sideways.

  2. Looks more emo than macabre but you're one heck of an artist girl!

  3. it's not my style. tbh i think it's a bit too cheesy and anime for my taste. You might want to make the background a little less colorful so that it is more appealing to the eye.

  4. I really think its quite awesome! (That girl's sock are hott)

    What Really stands out is the super awesome background, how did you manage that (Was it like, an accident or something)?

    You did really well on the shadowing! I seriously can't get enough of it.

    and lastly..


  5. i'm SO HUNGRY.

  6. how bout putting the dark people on top, hence the name "dark cloud"  Get it...the clouds (dark) are up int he sky. Blood's ok if it goes with story, etc.

  7. its really good but i think if they werent just floating around the cover, rearange them it would look even better

  8. The figures all look as if they are floating,are they supposed to be?

    Shadows where the lower figures would over come this.The upper figures could be blended in as a layer with the background,to give a bit of distance between them and the lower figures.This would enable you to make the title larger or stand out a bit more,probably with a drop shadow applied to the title layer (that's if you've done the various sections as Layers and have saved the Layer structure at this stage.  

  9. Ain't to bad but one problem is the characters are floating in mid air may be a shadow coming of them or some sort of shading round the feet would really help it out. Also the top 2 characters there chopped of very suddenly and maybe you could fade them into the background instead. Other wise very nice

  10. Colours are nice..but I think you should find someone who wants to draw the characters for you..I don't want to be rude,but the characters' drawings are horrible,they remember me..South Park??I love manga style...and draw chracters,but these I see..I can't stand them...anyway...where are the shadows?try to put them on the characters..

    Sorry if I sound rude,but I'm italian and I didn't know I can I explain it different..bye

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