
Opinion on baby names...???

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I wanted to get opinions on the name Matilda Jocelyn, this seems to be the only name that my fiance' and I can agree on

Also for boys I really love the name Milo Giovanni-- opinions?




  1. i like Matilda Jocelyn and Milo Giovanni...Giovanni is the italian form of John

  2. why does everyone like the name matilda?! i dont like matilda. what about Jocelyn Matilda? thats kind of better. i kinda like milo giovanni. what about milo gianni?

  3. before picking these names (which I am personally not too keen on) consider the surname as although some of these names sound cute etc, some parents don't stop to think about the long term teasing a child might get. Giovanni, unless you are of italian blood may sound a bit pretentious. Try good solid names and worthwhile chcking out some baby name sights as the meanings of some names can add value.  Good luck anyway

  4. Matilda soooo cute, not sure about matching it up with Jocelyn though, but Milo Giovanni is Awesome for a boy!! My daughter's name is Gianna ; )

  5. i think u should scap them both and start over

  6. Jocelyn is a cute name, Matilda is kinda weird, i don't know why....I love Milo too, but not Giovanni

  7. If you're going to go with Matilda, I'd use Jocelyn Matilda instead. I'm not sure about the boys name. I like Milo, I don't care for Giovanni all that much.

  8. The name always reminds me of that children's movie Matilda...or a spider or a witch...neither would be good references for a kids name.  

    Milo Giovanni is better than Matilda - sounds very Italian!

    What about naming your child Madelyn or Mattie instead of Matilda?  Madison Joy or Jocelyn Matilda?

  9. I like them

  10. I think Jocelyn Matilda sounds better

    just a suggestion

    And I think Milo Giovanni sounds a bit strange

  11. Matilda Jocelyn- BOOOOORING. If I were you I'd dump that name before you could say Jack Robinson!

    Milo Giovanni- DITTO

    If you would answer mine, you'd see that I have very unique and beautiful names. You are welcome to use any of them.;...

  12. Matilda Jocelyn is very pretty. I like Milo and Giovanni but together, I'm not too sure about it. It sounds a bit too Italian for my taste, but it flows very nicely and sounds very masculine.

  13. Don't pick Matilda. Jocelyn is nice. Milo sounds like a dog or cat name. Giovanni if you're ethnic.

  14. I love the name Matilda Jocelyn. It sounds great either way around.

    Personally I don't like the Giovanni but the baby isn't mine so it's up to you! If you both love it then go or it!

    Hope it all goes well.

  15. as you can see, everyone has different preferences. I say go with what you and your fiance think is the best name for your child, not what other people say.

  16. I like both names.

  17. I really don't like any.

    Matilda is one of the ugliest names I've ever heard. I have no idea why so many parents are saddling their daughters with this horrid name. There are tons of beautiful old-fashioned names out there to choose from, so please reconsider this for the sake of your daughter.

    Jocelyn is the only one I would ever actually consider out of those, so if you like it, maybe use Jocelyn Matilda.

    Milo Giovanni only works if you're of Italian/Spanish descent, in my opinion. And Giovanni is a real mouthful.

    In the end, it's up to you, these are just my thoughts since you asked.

    Good luck!


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