
Opinion on cool teacher?

by  |  earlier

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I had a subsitute teacher, he held up our assisgnment and asked us, Do you REALLY want to do this- no ( everyone answered)- so we didnt do it

he told us he had three rules

1. raise hand for questions

2. stay in seat

3. And if a teacher, princaple, or A.P student comes in pretend to work, And to have something in front of us like a folder or something

opinions on the cool teacher? THAT WAS A FUN DAY!!




  1. He needs to be fired.  I would be severly pissed off if a sub did that to my students when I was absent.

  2. That isn't cool, it is irresponsible.  He should be fired and find another line of work.  Apparently he doesn't have any interest in teaching at all!  What a dork!

  3. HA! i had a teacher like that ALL YEAR. i enjoyed it then...but thinking about it now...nxt year social studies is gonna be a whole lot harder...its gonna be h**l.

  4. Cool sub for you = jerk sub for your teacher.  I am a teacher, and I know that he was asked to do something that he didn't do.  Now, if I'm gone for a day, I don't plan on having my students do much; it's kind of the understood bonus of having your regular teacher not there.  But I would still slap the sub that didn't follow my directions!

  5. Unfair (d)

  6. that is not a cool teacher he is a cold one.... this betrays the profession and he produces nothing if this is the whole year but if this is only for one time a month or a semester it is ok and that means he is a good one.

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