I'm looking for opinions on cosleeping with our baby. Please no judgement calls from anyone on how cosleeping is not safe, etc. For the last month, our baby goes down at night and when she wakes up we just take her out of the crib and sleep with her. We have a futon mattress on the floor in her room, up against the wall. I or my husband, whoever has the "night shift" will lay down next to her and she sleeps SOUNDLY until the morning. Trust me, we have tried everything and being sleep deprived, this is what we have resorted to and it works great -we all get good sleep! But my question is, is it better to keep her in her own room on the mattress or would it be alright to bring her in bed with us? I thought that perhaps keeping her in her own room would keep her in her own environment but let's face it, the futon mattress isn't all too comfy for me or my hubby! She's great during the day with naps - sleeps in her crib fine, it's only at night. What would you do - her room or bring her in bed with you? P.S. - we never thought we would cosleep but again, this is something that we just started doing recently but with trying EVERYTHING and even having our pediatrician telling us she's out of ideas, this is what we resorted to and honestly, I LOVE IT! I love waking up next to her and hearing her every little breath during the night - it's such a wonderful sound. I'm just wondering if it's ok to bring her in bed or to keep her in her room to make the transition of her sleeping alone (eventually) easier since she'll still be in her own room. Opinions welcome, but again, please no judgement calls on cosleeping. Every parent has a choice to do their own thing and yes, there are concerns with cosleeping which is why we are VERY careful with it. Thank you to everyone!