
Opinion on sextuplets genders ?

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Okay tomorrow I am going to my OB again and he may be able to find out the genders, so since I am bored out of my mind and the twins are napping I wanted to make this fun for all yahoo answerers!

Okay all you have to do is think tell me what you think the other three genders are or if you think they wont be able to tell or if my OB will only be able to find 1 or 2. The 1st person who gets it automatically gets the 10 pts. So an easy best answer I just want to know what you think!




  1. Wow congratulations on your sextuplets!! So I'm confused you already know what three of them are? If so, then can you tell us what they are so we can base our decisions on what we already know?

  2. i think it'll be two boys and a girl and he will be able o find all 3

  3. boy boy girl

  4. three more boys

  5. girl girl boy

  6. I'm going to say you will have 6 boys as you have twin girls just a hunch and good luck tomorrow

  7. They will be able to see that one is a boy and one is a girl but they will have a hard time seeing the third as the babies will be moving so much they can't get a clear view. Just before they give up the babies move and they try one last time only to have the ankles crossed right over the privet parts. Good luck! SM

  8. two girls and a boy  

  9. BGG

  10. girl girl boy... good luck

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