
Opinion on this ..confusing dream I had

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I had this really …. confusing dream last night and I don’t know what it means. Whenever I think over it, I get this weird creeped feeling like I’ve just passed back into dream world.

So the dream:

I am at a camp. There is a wooden platform and there are people there. Someone says to me “I wonder who he is.” I look and see the back of a man. And in my dream, the person I was knew who it was, someone she had loved in the past (????). I walked to the stage and he comes and kisses me and then hugs me. In my dream though, I felt pain. (But this may be the moment where the fan fell on me during the night, as I found it facedown beside me in the morning) And then I look at his face and there is the really weird flashblack. Its of a man turning towards me, and he has black curly hair and that’s all I can remember. And I think in my dream, “The Black Wolf” (I am not joking. I woke up in the morning and that name was ringing in my head like nuts. Too many romance novels??!!) And then I think in my dream “how did he lose.” I HAVE NO IDEA WHY, I JUST WOKE UP WITH THESE WORDS AND IMAGES IN MY HEAD. And there is something to do with.. “Gerrad” and for some reason I think he is level 8. (Btw, I was playing World of Warcraft before I had slept and the computer I was looking at’s format when I checked level 8, looked like WoW… crazy I know)

I call him somehow and find out he is a she. I talk pretending I know her, and then I am thinking “How did the black wolf lose to a level 8.” And that is where I drop out of this flashback and say something to him. I remember something about another guy I talked about. ( thinking about it in the morning I think this is about me and my warrior lover reincarnating after he dies in a battle and I die somehow, and then meet in the present time)

Then there is an image of him walking away from the people at the wooden platform. Right after, I realize in my dream that I had made up this “new” guy, and that I still loved the black wolf. And then there is an image(in my head) of me torturing a man. (In my opinion, I think that I was torturing him for information on how the black wolf lose to a level 8). There was something to do with a little girl… Gerrad??

I also remember something about an elevator shaft and seeing black boots, something to do with shiny glass.

I AM SOO CONFUSED… I have my own opinions about this dream, which I have shown u, the stuff in brackets. This is a dream, a very vivid one, which was real to me. I get shivers writing this and I feel like someone is watching me, its like a dream zone automatically.

I am just curious about other people’s views on this dream. Pls. nothing negative, as this is just a dream that I dreamed. thnks.




  1. This truthfully sounds to me like you have been playing video games so much, you are starting to have trouble distinguishing between your real self and the characters you are playing in the games.  You need to get more sleep, and take a long break from any kind of dramatic television, movies and video games for awhile.  Ask your English teacher for a good book for young people, and start reading books about real life.  

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